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Kisame was getting sick of it. He hated seeing Itachi's phone light up with the name Kurama. He hated how Itachi would take the call in private. But the thing he hated the most was that he had no idea who this person was. He started to notice the calls when Itachi came back from visiting Sasuke so knew that the boy would probably know who the person calling was.

He picked up his phone and dialed the teen's number. It felt like forever before Sasuke answered though it was really only a few seconds. "Hello?" he finally heard.

"About time you answer," Kisame was annoyed. He hated waiting for anything, especially when he had a question. He was already on edge since Itachi seemed to be keeping this mystery person a secret.

"You're lucky that I answered at all," Sasuke replied in the signature Uchiha monotone voice. Kisame knew it was just to piss him off. "Why'd you call?" he asked, wanting to get to the point.

"Who's Kurama?" Kisame asked. "He keeps calling Itachi and I don't like it." He knew he probably sounded jealous or possessive, but he didn't care. He needed to know what he was dealing with.

Sasuke sighed, he knew this phone call was coming sooner or later, "Why don't you just ask Itachi?" He really didn't want to be apart of his brother's drama. He had enough drama of his own; he didn't need to add Itachi's love life into the equation.

"No, then it'd sound like I'm jealous," Kisame said, as if the idea of asking was ridiculous.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes. He knew that he probably should have expected that answer. "Well, aren't you?" he asked.

"That doesn't mean that I want Itachi to know that," Kisame argued. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with Itachi over a little crush. While there was times he thought his feelings might be reciprocated, there were also times like this that made him doubt it.

"He's my roommate's brother," Sasuke finally told him, wanting the conversation to be over. "Really Kisame, you should just tell him you like him. You may be surprised by the response," Sasuke added. He was over their mutual pining. Neither man wanted to be the first to confess, which Sasuke thought was ridiculous. 

"Yeah, whatever. I just wanted to know who he was, I didn't ask for your advice. Bye," he quickly hung p before Sasuke could give him more unwanted advice. With what Itachi had told him about Sasuke and his roommate he felt the teen was being rather hypocritical in judging how Kisame was handling his situation with Itachi.

It wasn't long after his conversation with Sasuke that he had to deal with the issue. Kisame and Itachi were working when the Uchiha's phone when off. Kisame looked over and saw the name Kurama once again light up the screen. Before Itachi could grab it, Kisame grabbed it and sent the call to voicemail.

"Can I ask why you sent him to voicemail?" Itachi asked calmly. He was hoping Kisame would just admit that he was jealous. Sasuke had claimed that he was scared that Kisame being the same way, but he told himself that he was just seeing how long it would take for the other man to break.

"I don't want you talking to him," Kisame shrugged. He didn't give an explanation as to why, making Itachi annoyed.

"And why not?" he glared. "You don't get to dictate who I talk to, especially without any good explanation."

"I just don't," Kisame replied, causing Itachi to give him a look that clearly stated that his explanation wasn't good enough. "Can we please just drop the conversation?" Kisame sighed.

"No. You sound like a jealous boyfriend right now," said Itachi, just to see how the other would react. Itachi had already decided that if Kisame didn't want to admit how he was feeling then it was time that he just moves on. Itachi knew that Kurama was obviously interested in him, so there was no reason to just wait for someone who's never going to make a move.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now