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It was nine o'clock in the morning on New Year's Day and Naruto was sitting in the kitchen acting as if he were eating breakfast. Really he was lost in his thoughts as he pushed cereal around the bowl. The blonde glared at his brother when he walked into the kitchen. If it weren't for Kurama, Naruto knew he'd at least gotten more time to kiss Sasuke or at least maybe get him to talk.

"So, where's your boyfriend?" Kurama smirked as he sat across from his brother. He knew by the look on his brother's face that he was about to argue that they weren't dating. Kurama couldn't understand why Naruto didn't ask him out, it seemed obvious that they liked each other as more than friends.

"He's not my boyfriend," Naruto mumbled.

"But you want him to be," Kurama said, finishing the part of the sentence that Naruto seemed to refuse to say. "A word of brotherly advice, just grow some balls and ask him out, he obviously likes you," the older Uzumaki told him, ready to slap some sense into his brother.

"I think you just love ruining my night," Naruto groaned as he continued to look down.

"If you just asked him out, then my interruption wouldn't have ruined your night," the other pointed out. "Instead you're out here alone. Who knows what you could be doing if you just told him how you feel."

"He's just a friend, that's all. Stop pushing the subject. We aren't dating," he told him very clearly. He sighed when he realized Kurama wasn't listening to him and turned in the direction he was staring. His eyes widened as he saw a disappointed looking Sasuke standing in the doorway. Part of him wanted to take back what he said but all that came out was, "Hey Sasuke."

"Hn," the raven said, obviously not much of a morning person whenever he stayed up late. He'd found it difficult to sleep the previous night and what Naruto had just said to his brother only made his mood worse. He didn't want to talk to either brother at that point, ready to just run back to the guest room.

"So Sasuke, how's your brother been?" Kurama asked casually.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Sasuke grumbled as he poured himself some cereal. He sat down, slowly eating and feeling awkward as he thought about Naruto's words.

"I would but he won't answer any of my calls or text messages," the man said. He was obviously annoyed by the older Uchiha's actions but didn't want to show it.

"Oh," Sasuke said, not knowing what else to say. He found the the couldn't eat anymore and quietly got up and put his dishes in the sink. He didn't say anything else before walking back to the guest room.

"Well that went great," Naruto said sarcastically, making his older brother chuckle.


Sasuke got his phone off of its charger once he got to the room. He sat on the bed as he dialed the number. It rang for a moment before the person answered, "Yes Sasuke?"

"Hey Itachi," the younger Uchiha replied. "How was your New Year?" he asked.

"Good, very good actually, how should I put this, fun," Itachi answered. "How was yours?"

"Interesting," Sasuke gave as a simple reply. He wasn't going to go into detail with his brother about exactly what happened. He didn't need to tell Itachi that he kissed the blonde and that said blonde clearly regretted it.

"So, what's the real reason that you called?" Itachi asked, knowing his brother far too well.

"Kurama is here," Sasuke said, trying to figure out how to phrase his question. "He said that you stopped answering his calls," the younger of the two tried to decide how to word his question. "Just tell me something, did you use him?"

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