Coffee Shop

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It had been a week and there had been relatively no drama between Naruto and Sasuke. The blonde was staring to think things were actually going to start to go good between them. They had gotten over being awkward about the recent events, though there was still some weird tension between them since they hung out it wasn't enough to impede their progress. Naruto was also starting to think that there really was no way he could screw things up more than he already had over the course of their new found friendship. If Sasuke had forgiven him for everything he'd done, he'd probably forgive him for almost anything else the blonde may do in the future. Neither one of them wanted to analyze the reasons why Sasuke let the blonde get away with so much or the reasons why Naruto felt the need to push his way into Sasuke's life.

"This is boring," Naruto said with sigh. He hated working nights, only a few people came in every now and then since coffee wasn't needed as much at night. There were two types of people that came in that late at night: the ones that ordered the fluffy drinks that hardly had any coffee in them, but they tasted good and were covered in more whipped cream than necessary, and the ones that were pulling an all nighter, either because they worked the night shift or were students that procrastinated and had to finish a project. Due to their proximity to the school, it was usually the exhausted student.

"Yeah, it is," Sasuke finally answered after looking around the coffee shop. He sighed, knowing that it was only him and Naruto working, which meant that if he wanted someone to talk to then it would have to be the blonde. If he were honest, it wasn't as if he'd be talking to anyone else that worked at the coffee shop even if they were working.

"Any chance you'd tutor me again?" Naruto asked out of the blue. He was hopeful that Sasuke had forgiven him to the point that he would help him. Sasuke just glared at him, answering his question. He didn't understand why Sasuke refused to acknowledge that they were friends, despite the night the hung out together, but he didn't want to push it so he accepted Sasuke's decision. "Okay, I understand," Naruto nodded.

Sasuke looked down, feeling a little bad for how disappointed the blonde sounded. He didn't understand his feelings, as he had rejected people many times before with no remorse. Before either of them could say another word, the bell above the door chimed. Sasuke looked up and froze. He was at the cash register that day and knew he'd have to take his order.

Naruto recognized the man so he asked, "I know that's the man form the other day, do you want me to handle it?" Sasuke was surprised that Naruto recognized him, but he nodded and moved away from the register, desperate to limit his contact with the man that had just walked through the door. He didn't care if it made Naruto only wonder more about why he hated and feared Orochimaru, after what happened, he wasn't sure he was ready to face him again.

"Can I take your order?" Naruto said in a less than friendly tone. He knew the man did something to Sasuke, it made him not like him right from the start. He couldn't like a person who cause fear in someone he considered a friend.

"Is that anyway to greet a paying customer? You really should be more friendly, maybe smile," the man said with a smile that made a chill run down Naruto's spine. He had about feeling about the man in front of him.

Naruto wished that the feeling was only because of Sasuke's fear, but it wasn't, it was the look in the older man's eyes that old him something wasn't right. "I see nothing wrong with my attitude, do you Sasuke?" Naruto asked. Sasuke just shook his head no, unable to look in their direction let alone speak. He didn't trust his voice at the moment. "See, Sasuke agrees," Naruto faked a smile. "So what would you like to order?" he asked once more, wanting to get the man out of there as fast as possible and not willing to back down.

Orochimaru already did not like the man in front of him; he had far too strong of a will. "I'll only order from Sasuke," Orochimaru announced. Sasuke took a deep breath, hoping he could keep his cool talking to the man. Naruto looked at Sasuke's reaction, knowing he had to make an excuse for him.

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