Back in Session

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It was time to go back to school and they were all back in the dorms. "This semester is going to be great," Naruto said as he lay on his bed. "It's going to be fun to have a class together again," he smiled. Perhaps he was being a little clingy, but he wanted to spend as much time with Sasuke as possible to make up for all of the time they spent being idiots. He knew some time away from each other was good for a healthy relationship, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the time they spent together.

"Yeah because History is always so much fun," Sasuke said sarcastically. He knew what Naruto meant but that didn't mean that he wasn't going to tease the blonde. He certainly wouldn't admit that he was happy they took a class together or that he was secretly pleased with Naruto's enthusiasm when they got to spend more time together. They both knew that with classes starting they would be spending less time together, even if they did room with each other school work was bound to take up some of their time.

Naruto sat up with a mischievous smirk on his face, "You're right, I hate History." The blonde walked over to where Sasuke was sitting at the small desk in their room and sat on his lap. "Looks like I'll need a tutor again," he said as he played with the hairs at the nape of Sasuke's neck, loving the way it made Sasuke shiver a little even though the teen pretended he was completely unaffected by the action.

"Is that so?" Sasuke asked innocently as he moved his hands to Naruto's hips, playing with the hem of his shirt. "I supposed if I have to," he smirked.

"Poor you," Naruto pulled him in for a kiss. It started off innocent enough until Naruto deepened the kiss in a battle for dominance. Sasuke's hands wandered up Naruto's shirt a little, his fingers running over the other's abs, causing Naruto to let out small groan. Naruto's hands started to move down Sasuke's chest. It was nothing overly sexual, not wanting to push it too far or making Sasuke uncomfortable by grinding against him, no matter how much his body wanted him to. They chose to ignore it when they heard the door open, knowing it was probably Kiba or Suigetsu. They deserved it if they decided that they could just barge in whenever they wanted.

"I know you heard us come in," Kiba interrupted. "Are you trying to traumatize me too?" he asked, remembering how Suigetsu had said he found out about the two.

"Seriously, what is it with you people and not knocking?" Naruto huffed as he and Sasuke stopped kissing, though he didn't move off of Sasuke's lap. He looked at Suigetsu and Kiba, annoyed by the intrusion.

"We'll now that they're here can you get off me, you're kind of heavy," Sasuke ordered, pushing the blonde away.

Naruto looked down at his boyfriend, enjoying Sasuke's slightly disheveled appearance. His lips were slightly swollen from kissing and shirt messed up, very different from his usual put together appearance. He loved knowing that he was the one that caused him to look like that. "You weren't saying that a minute ago," Naruto said as he rolled his eyes and got off the raven's lap. 'Sometimes I hate my friends,' the blonde thought with a little bit of a pout, all he wanted to do was make out with his boyfriend but it seemed like someone always had to interrupt them.

"That's because I was enjoying what was happening a minute ago," Sasuke replied as he fixed his appearance. He smoothed out his shirt and ran a hand through his hair, hoping he wasn't blushing too bad.

"So I'm only aloud on your lap if I'm making out with you?" the blonde asked, pretending to be offended. His small laugh gave it away that he wasn't serious.

"Pretty much," Sasuke smirked.

'Must they ignore us?' Suigetsu thought as he looked at the two teens. "Kiba?" Suigetsu said, turning towards the brunette.

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