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Sasuke sat alone in his room, eyes closed with his headphones in as he listened to music, trying to clear his mind. Part of him hated how much he could relate to the song but he also felt an odd sense of comfort in the fact that someone understood what he was feeling. He had thought that he'd gotten past the toxic thoughts that ran through his mind but they always seemed to resurface. It wasn't nearly as bad as it had been before he started college, but Orochimaru's words would still haunt him. Most days he was fine, but then there were days he'd blame himself for everything wrong in his life. He knew some people would say it was his own fault for never speaking up. That if he'd just said something he would have never been in that situation. On his worst days he'd find himself agreeing with them. He knew that he should talk to someone when his thoughts became overwhelming but instead he'd sit alone and listen to music as his form of therapy.

His phone ringing interrupted the music. He looked at the screen and saw it light up with Kakashi's name. It was as if he somehow knew how Sasuke had been feeling. Sasuke sighed because he was sure that he knew what the phone call was going to be about. He hadn't made an appointment with his therapist in a long time, ignoring his brother and Kakashi's text messages encouraging him to make one. Unfortunately for him, his therapist knew Kakashi well and wouldn't hesitate to tell him if he'd come to talk to her.

"What do you want Kakashi?" he answered the phone trying to sound as normal as possible. The man was like a father to him ever since his parents died. He had tried to get custody of Sasuke and Itachi but Orochimaru had too many connections.

"I want you to meet me in the parking lot. I'm parked at a meter so I'd appreciate it if you'd come now," Kakashi's tone made it clear that it wasn't up for discussion.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes, "I shouldn't make you wait like you do to everyone else?" The man was notorious for being late so he had no right to tell someone to hurry up.

"Yeah, I get it, I'm always late. Just get out here," Kakashi said, unbothered by Sasuke's statement. Sasuke was certainly the more difficult of the two brothers to deal with. Itachi could be difficult if he didn't get his way, but Sasuke was stubborn all the time. If he didn't already have gray hair then Sasuke would be the one to give him gray hair.

"Which meters are you at?" he asked, knowing there was no point in arguing with him. He knew Kakashi would just keep calling if he didn't go meet the man. Sasuke knew the man had plenty of "books" to keep him busy so he wouldn't mind waiting until the raven finally caved in.

"The ones closest to the dorms," he told him. He could see the dorms from where he was standing and he knew that Sasuke would know exactly which meters he was talking about.

"Fine, I'll be right there," Sasuke sighed as he hung up and started to walk toward the parking lot.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to come," Kakashi said when Sasuke walked over to his car. The older man had his book out and was reading it, yet somehow he managed to know that Sasuke was walking up to him.

"Can you put your porn away? I'm going to leave if you don't," Sasuke shook his head. It always annoyed him when Kakashi tried to read and talk to him at the same time.

Kakashi sighed as he put the book in his car. "Fine, you have my undivided attention, happy?" Kakashi smirked as he leaned on his car.

"Ecstatic," Sasuke responded sarcastically. "Why'd you want to see me?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"I can't just come say hi?" Kakashi asked innocently. "You're like a son to me you know, it wouldn't be so out of the ordinary for me to just come say hi," he said.

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