Drunken Naruto

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Suigetsu found Sasuke walking back to his dorm. It was clear by his body language that he was scared and paranoid. He had to run to catch up to him but he eventually did. "Sasuke," he called once he came into sight. It took a few times before Sasuke stopped. Suigetsu wasn't sure if he was ignoring him or if he simply didn't hear him calling out his name.

Sasuke turned around to find Suigetsu behind him, a worried look on his face. Suigetsu was out of breath as they stood for a moment in silence. "What?" Sasuke asked his voice shaky as he looked around as if something or someone was going to get him at any moment.

"Talk to me, I know that you were freaked out back there," Suigetsu frowned at the fact that Sasuke seemed to be putting up his wall again, even around him.

"I'm fine," Sasuke said as he turned to walk away. Suigetsu grabbed his arm, causing Sasuke to flinch and yell, "Don't touch me!" He coiled back into a defensive position as if he were waiting to be hit.

"Sasuke it's me, you know I won't hurt you," Suigetsu said gently as he let him go, not wanting to freak the other out more than he already was.

"I thought you wouldn't ditch me either," he looked down, his voice showing more vulnerability than he wanted. His eyes showed a sense of betrayal once he looked back up at Suigetsu. The young Uchiha backed away from him, feeling uncomfortable.

"Sasuke, it's not like I knew that was going to happen," he stepped forward. "When it did, I looked for you right away," he assured his friend, knowing what a delicate state he was in at that moment. Sasuke hated feeling weak, but that was how he felt at that moment as he sat down on the curb and put his head in his hands.

"I can't get his voice out of my head," he admitted. Sasuke knew that Suigetsu would know exactly whom he meant, that he wouldn't have to explain any further. He was feeling suffocated and paranoid that Orochimaru would jump out of the dark. Normally he wouldn't have walked alone in the dark but he wasn't sure what else to do when the light went out so he practically ran back to his dorm.

The light haired teen sat next to him, giving him a shoulder to lean on. "He can't hurt you anymore," he assured him, though he knew that it would be an emotional battle Sasuke would fight for a long time, possibly the rest of his life. "Let's get you back to the dorms," he tried to smile, just to make Sasuke feel better if nothing else. Sasuke nodded as he let Suigetsu help him up and get him to his dorm.


A few hours after Sasuke and Suigetsu had left, Kiba watched as Naruto made a fool of his self. He was well over his limit in alcohol and he probably should have made him leave hours ago. Kiba saw it as pay back for the last party they went to and he made sure to get plenty of blackmail material. "Come on Naruto, let's go," Kiba said as he pulled the blonde off a table.

"But I don't want to," Naruto slurred as he stumbled off and into a group of people that he didn't know. Kiba straightened him out and pushed him towards the exit, ignoring his protests.

"Trust me, you've reached your limit," Kiba said as he guided Naruto towards the dorms. Luckily, he only had two drinks and was still able to navigate them both.

"Tonight was fun," he slurred, dragging out 'fun' as he leaned on Kiba for support. Kiba was thanking whoever invented elevators; because once they got to the dorms, he was sure they were going to need them to get the blonde to the third floor.

"Too bad you won't remember it," Kiba gave a small laugh as he adjusted the blonde into a more comfortable position.

"I'll remember," Naruto argued as he tripped over his own feet.

Kiba barely caught him as he asked, "Really, what will you remember?"

Once he was able to get Naruto to balance they continued to walk. Naruto thought about Kiba's question but he had trouble finding the words as he slurred, "Music, dancing, and Sasuke was there."

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