Separate Ways

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It was that time of the year: finals. It was what they had been studying for the entire week prior and only good part about finals was that it meant it was the end of the semester. Many students were stressed and cramming before each exam, trying to soak up the last bit of information they could before walking into the classroom.

Sasuke walked out of his business class breathing a sigh of relief. He let himself smile that the class was finally over. 'Finally,' was all that he could think as he walked down the hall. It meant less time that Orochimaru could haunt him and it felt good to know it was over, even if he couldn't be sure it'd never happen again.

"Wait up Sasuke," Suigetsu called as he walked out of the classroom. He had finished his test shortly after the raven and so he rushed to catch up to him. "It's over," the light haired teen said with a smile. He was almost as relieved to be out of the class as Sasuke was, knowing that Sasuke wouldn't be seeing the creepy man every Tuesday and Thursday the next semester.

"For now," Sasuke agreed. He had relaxed knowing that the class was over, but that didn't mean that he thought Orochimaru would just disappear after the semester. He knew better than to think the older man would just give up that easily.

"We have to hang out during break," Suigetsu said as they walked down the hall. He knew that his place wasn't that far from Naruto's therefore it would be easy for them to hang out. He was happy that Sasuke had gave in and agreed to stay with the blonde. He felt better knowing that he wasn't going to be alone for a portion of the break.

"Yeah, but first I have to find a way to get out of staying with the idiot," Sasuke said. He wasn't sure he could go all break with Naruto, considering that would probably mean having no place to escape from the blonde. With Kiba busy, he knew the blonde would want to spend time together.

"He's not that bad," Suigetsu chuckled. "Plus I know you see him as a friend so don't lie to me," he added with a slightly teasing tone. What he really meant was that he knew Sasuke had at least a little bit of a crush on the blonde and wasn't as annoyed as he pretended.

"Oh shut up," Sasuke rolled his eyes. He knew that Suigetsu was right; he did see the blonde as a friend. The problem was that he was a friend who confused him a lot. Naruto was one of the few people who seemed to be easy for him to forgive and also could make him do things that were out of his comfort zone. It was unsettling to think what he might get him to do when they had a full two weeks off of school and their only responsibility was work.

"In fact, I think you like him," Suigetsu smirked. He knew that would get a reaction from the raven.

Sasuke looked away, blushing a little. He didn't like how the topic of the blonde and the possibility that he might have a small crush, which seemed to make him blush as if he were a school girl in love. "I don't like that moron. Idiot isn't my type," the raven huffed.

"Who said that I meant it like that? I just said that you liked him, I could have meant as a friend," the other teen chuckled. "It was your mind that went there," he smiled and Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

"We both know how you meant it," the raven argued. "The way you said it was not saying that you think I like him as only a friend," Sasuke glared, trying to ignore the knowing look Suigetsu was giving him.

"Well you do forgive him pretty easily," Suigetsu pointed out. "And on that camping trip he got you to jump in leaves, that was a sight I really never expected to see," he said with a shrug. Sasuke didn't respond, instead he settled with glaring at his best friend. "You should know by now that your glare doesn't affect me," Suigetsu said with a little laugh.

Sasuke and Suigetsu walked to Sasuke's dorm only for the raven to say, "I'm going to try to take a nap, so I'll see you later."

"Good luck, if Naruto's there you know you won't get any sleep," Suigetsu said with a laugh. "I doubt he'll shut up long enough for you to even relax," he added, both of them knowing it was true. The blonde would be far too excited about the end of the year and what they would do over the break.

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