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For the most part, the party had worked to make the awkwardness between Naruto and Sasuke go away. Thankfully they had both managed to remain relatively sober and there were no further incidents after Kiba's comment. Not a lot of people were around when he had made the comment and everyone that was present knew not to make a big deal about it. There was a silent agreement to not talk about it, so it blew over within a week. The blonde was happy that Sasuke didn't start acting weird when Kiba blurted out what Naruto had said when he was drunk. It seemed as if the raven had just wrote it off as Kiba being drunk and stupid.

On the inside, it was an entirely different story. Sasuke's inner turmoil continued as he kept wondering why Kiba would make that comment. He didn't know if it was something Naruto had said he wanted or if he had been doing his normal teasing. It scared him just how much he had wanted it to be because Naruto had made that comment. At the same time he tried to convince himself that Naruto wouldn't say such a thing. "I just don't know what it meant," Sasuke told Suigetsu as he paced the other teen's room. "Why would Kiba say that?"

"Sasuke, most people think you're physically attractive, I'm sure that's all it is," Suigetsu assured him. He didn't understand why Sasuke was really worrying about it. It was no secret that either of them found the other attractive, they had proven that on multiple occasions. No matter how many times either of them tried to deny that there was something between them, it was obvious to everyone that there was something more.

"I guess, it's just awkward because he's my roommate," Sasuke said, causing Suigetsu to roll his eyes. Sasuke stopped pacing as he sat on Juugo's empty bed. He took a deep breath; hating that just one seemingly meaningless comment could affect him so much.

"Hate to tell you this Sasuke, but you're attracted to him too. It really shouldn't be a big deal. Remember we went over this after the party incident," Suigetsu reminded him. He didn't even need to refer to which incident he was talking about. The two of them had made out at a party and who knows what might have happened if they hadn't been so drunk that they fell asleep before anything could progress.

Sasuke knew that he was right. There really was no denying after that incident that they were at the very least physically attracted to each other. He didn't just go around kissing random people. The blonde had gotten his attention for a reason, even if he continued to deny it when asked. "I guess you're right," he admitted, knowing there was really no fooling his best friend. "I just don't know what to do or think."

"That's not something I can help you with," Suigetsu told him. "You need to come to terms with whatever you're feeling on your own. I can't force you to admit you like the guy."

Sasuke was silent for a moment, lost in his thoughts. Suigetsu didn't want to interrupt so he just sat there and tried not to stare at his best friend. "Fuck," Sasuke finally cursed. "I like the idiot," he mumbled, more conflicted than ever.

Suigetsu's eyes widened, shocked by the confession. "I've been trying to tell you that for a while now," he said softly.

"No," Sasuke shook his head. "I can't like him. I don't like him. This conversation never happened," he stood up. "I gotta go," he quickly left the room, ignoring Suigetsu as he called his name. He made his way to the library, needing anything to get his mind off of the blonde and whatever he may be feeling. It was the one place he was pretty sure he wouldn't run into his roommate.


It wasn't until lunch that somehow found himself in Naruto's presence. He was trying to act like everything was fine and that he did not actually think about possibly liking the blonde earlier that day. He wasn't sure why, or at least wouldn't admit why, he agreed to lunch without resistance when Naruto text him that they guys were meeting for lunch. What was worse was that he found himself gravitating towards the blonde, voluntarily sitting next to him.

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