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Ino walked out of the flower shop that she worked at. It had been a long day and she was just ready to get home. As she was walking out she saw Sai walking towards her.

"Hey pretty lady," he said with a smile. Once again she wasn't sure if he was flirting with her or if he was just socially awkward. Either way, his words made her feel good.

"Hey Sai," she smiled as she started walking toward her house. She liked talking to Sai because every time he greeted her he made her feel special, unlike Shikamaru. He walked with her, obviously wanting to talk. "What's up?" she asked.

The question always made him want to answer by telling what was above them, but he had learned long ago that the question had nothing to do with that. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me."

She smiled at him, seeing that his social skills seemed to be getting better. "Sure," she agreed, seeing nothing wrong with going to dinner with a friend. Part of her hoped that he wanted something more out of it, but at the same time those hopes made her feel like a bad friend.

"I mean as a, um, date," he clarified. He had never really been on a date, so he wasn't really sure how to ask. He observed his peers to understand it better, however it seemed as if all of them asked in different ways.

Ino was shocked at first. She battled with herself for a moment before deciding to put herself first. "I'd like that," she smiled again. She wasn't sure how Sakura would react, but part of her was staring not to care. She figured she wouldn't tell her best friend unless they became something serious. If Sakura was really her friend then she'd be happy for her.

Sai grinned, "Would tonight be too soon?"

"Tonight would be perfect," she felt her heart race. It was something she no longer felt when talking to Shikamaru. It made her realize that maybe she didn't feel the way she once felt when it came to him. She deserved more than he was ever able to provide. "Pick me up at seven?"

Sai nodded, "It's a date."


Sakura sat at the park with her family. Most were playing some kind of family bonding game, but she didn't participate because she hadn't wanted to be there in the first place. It was cold and starting to snow, making it miserable being out at the park.

"My beautiful Sakura, it's such a pleasure to see you today," an enthusiastic voice greeted from behind her. She recognized the voice; it belonged to none other than Lee. The boy was obsessed with her and he couldn't take a hint.

"Hello Lee," Sakura sighed. Not only did she have to spend the day in the cold with her family, it seemed she was destined to have Lee around. She tried to ignore him, not wanting to give Lee the wrong idea.

"What brings you here on this beautiful day?" he asked. He was hoping she would actually talk to him, though it didn't seem like it would happen. No matter what he wouldn't give up.

"It is not a beautiful day," Sakura said as she shivered. "I'm here with my family," she answered his question. She only gave short answers, hoping he'd get the hint and leave.

"Is that them building a snowman? How nice," he smiled. He was still trying to make conversation.

"Yeah," she said. Sakura thought about walking away, but she figured he would just follow her. She knew she had to have an excuse if she were going to get away.

"Why are you not helping them?" he asked. He figured if she were there with her family then she should be spending it with them.

"You're right, I should go join them," Sakura stood up. "See you around," she said as she walked toward her family. Sakura figured it was a good excuse to get away. She'd rather build a snowman with her family than spend time with Lee. He was nice, but he just wasn't her type. She liked guys like Sasuke or Sai, the dark hair and dark eyes not the hyperactive Lee.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now