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Ever since it happened Naruto hadn't been able to get the kiss off of his mind. It had only been a couple days but it was driving him crazy. Every time that he looked at the other teen it mad him think about the kiss. He couldn't help himself, he'd already come to terms with his crush so all there was left to do was to find out if Sasuke liked him too. He just didn't know how to find out without blatantly asking him. It didn't help that he had royally screwed up by saying they're just friends and acting as if it were nothing.

They were sitting on Naruto's couch, which only made the blonde think about Sasuke more. He couldn't help but think about how right it felt to be next to him. Things had gone back to relatively normal after the other teen took a couple days of actively avoiding him. Part of him just wanted to put his arm around Sasuke just to see how the raven would react.

"Is there a reason that you're staring at me?" Sasuke asked as he looked at the blonde. He'd felt Naruto's eyes on him since they'd sat down. It was a little unnerving to have the guy he likes staring at him. He'd found that Suigetsu was at least a little right and that he had probably been over reacting after the aftermath of the kiss. They were friends and he'd have to learn to accept that eventually or living together was going to be hell.

"Oh, uh, sorry, I didn't realize that I was staring," Naruto said as he looked away. He didn't want to creep Sasuke out, or let the raven know what he was thinking about. He figured that if he could pretend that it was just a kiss then everything would be fine. At the same time, the look on Sasuke's face after he said it was just a kiss had him second guessing if Sasuke thought of him on just a platonic level.

"Whatever," Sasuke scoffed. He knew something was on the blonde's mind, but he wasn't sure that he really wanted to know what it was. The hopeful side of him was thinking maybe the blonde hadn't meant what he said, but the pessimistic side of him told him he's being ridiculous.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke again as he once again contemplated putting his arm around the other boy. He took somewhat of a deep breath and then he nonchalantly put his arm around Sasuke. He just wanted to see how the other boy would act.

At first Sasuke went stiff, not sure exactly what was going on. He looked at Naruto, who was just relaxing next to him as if nothing had happened. As if it were just a normal every day occurrence. There were plenty of times where Naruto had put his arm on the back of the couch behind him, but he had never actually rested his arm on Sasuke's shoulders. Sasuke thought about what he should do, either push the arm off or just relax into the blonde's hold. The second option won the battle in his head and he moved closer to the blonde and relaxed.

The blonde smiled at Sasuke's reaction and he knew that he couldn't deny what he was feeling any longer. He wanted to tell Sasuke what he was feeling but he thought that he couldn't because it'd ruin the friendship they had built. "It wasn't just a kiss," Naruto said quietly, not looking directly at the other teen. He couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth. After he said it, he immediately regretted his inability to censor himself.

Sasuke's eyes widened at the words, causing him to turn and look at the blonde. It was as if the other boy was reading his mind. He wasn't sure exactly what to do at that point. He didn't just want to look desperate by pulling him into a kiss right away.

"I understand if you don't feel the same," Naruto sighed, moving his arm off the other boy after not getting a response from the other teen. He could tell that Sasuke was shocked and decided to give him an easy way out. "We can still be friends though, right?" he asked hopefully. He wanted to smack himself for being so stupid.

"Shut up," Sasuke said before he leaned over and started to kiss the blonde. He didn't want there to be any doubt in Naruto's mind as to what he was trying to say and people always said that actions speak louder than words.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now