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Sasuke found himself alone, walking down a dark hallway. He was looking for some kind of exit, but it just seemed to continue on into a dark abyss. His heart was beating fast and his flight sense in overdrive with no way to escape. The dark hallway suddenly became a dark room and that was when he had the sinking feeling that he was no longer alone.

"Hello Sasuke," the familiar voice said from behind him. The voice sent chills down his spine in the worst way possible. Orochimaru began creeping out of the darkness.

Sasuke tried to run, but his feet wouldn't move. He tried to talk or scream, but nothing came out. He felt helpless as the older man came closer, which only promised pain.

"I've missed this, haven't you?" the older man asked with an evil smirk. It almost seemed as if he weren't going to do anything, but that was soon proven wrong. The man clutched his arm tightly and said, "I'm going to have some fun tonight."

Sasuke wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn't. it was as if his whole body was frozen. All he could do was watch as the man's fist connected with his stomach, he knew this was only the warm up. He was soon pushed against the wall, creating a bang loud enough that it seemed as if something should be broken. As he fell to the ground, that was when he was kicked in the side, making him completely fall over.

"What you aren't going to fight back?" Orochimaru asked as he roughly picked the boy up. "Are you that pathetic?" he chuckled, gaining a sick pleasure out of the pain he was inflicting.

"Please just stop," Sasuke begged when his voice finally worked, barely above whisper. His pleading was useless as the older man continued to beat him, punching, kicking, throwing, taking all his aggression out on him. "Please," he then begged again, tears threatening to fall.

"Sasuke," he heard, but his time in a different voice, he still recognized it, but he couldn't place it.

"Please stop," Sasuke said, but every time his legs would work and he would try to get away, he would just end up getting hurt worse. He would be pulled back with a force rough enough to leave a bruise, only for him to create another one with his fist.

"Sasuke," he heard the voice again and he felt as if he was being shaken. That was when Orochimaru disappeared.

Sasuke woke, panting and sweating. He looked terrified as he looked around the room, realizing Orochimaru was nowhere to be found. The raven looked at the blonde who had been trying to wake him up, he was talking but Sasuke couldn't quite process what he was saying. Once he settled down a little he asked, "What?"

"You had a nightmare, you were screaming, begging someone to stop," Naruto's voice was full of concern. He was sitting close to Sasuke with one hand on his shoulder as if he were trying to be his anchor. Sasuke's heart was still beating rapidly and he was trembling. Naruto could tell that something was wrong but didn't know what to do to comfort the other teen. The blonde just pulled the raven against his chest, "It's okay Sasuke." He was surprised when the raven didn't push him away.

Sasuke just shook his head, indicating that it was not okay. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down so he could at least think properly. He moved out of the blonde's arms, trying to deny to himself that they had brought some sense of comfort. He didn't want to be touched and he couldn't look Naruto directly in the eyes.

"What was the nightmare about that had you so scared?" Naruto asked calmly, hoping Sasuke would talk to him. He let Sasuke slip from his arms, but he didn't move away from him. He wanted the other teen to know he was there for him.

"I need to go to sleep," Sasuke responded, not answering the blonde's question.

Before Naruto could protest, the raven pushed him out of the way in order to lie back down. Naruto just sighed and moved to his own bed. He looked over at Sasuke, knowing that he was faking to be asleep. Instead of pushing the issue, he decided to just go to sleep. He could take his guess as to what, or who, was causing the nightmares, but he couldn't force him to talk. He didn't want to believe what he thought might have happened between Sasuke and Orochimaru, but he had a feeling the creepy man had something to do with it. The way Sasuke reacted around the man wasn't normal when he should have been more of a parental figure to him. He didn't want to assume anything so he'd just have to wait until Sasuke told him, if he ever trusted him enough to tell him the truth.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now