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Naruto once again felt like Sasuke was avoiding him. He hated being avoided, especially after they had made so much progress. He had feeling that he knew why he was being avoided and it made him wish that he had never asked about the therapy. He didn't know why he asked; it just came out of his mouth and looking back on it he knew it was a stupid thing to ask about. Sasuke was like a scared dog: you had to wait for him to come to you or he'd become skittish or attack. There was a fine line between letting him know you're there and asking too much. In this case he had asked too much. Therapy was deeply personal and if he wanted to tell him his problems then he would tell him. The problem was that after almost a week of being avoided Naruto could no longer take it. "You're avoiding me," Naruto huffed as he looked at the raven.

"No I'm not," Sasuke shrugged. He hadn't even realized that he was doing it. He hated that the blonde found out he went to therapy. He thought it was going to make things weird between them when in reality the only thing making it weird was his reaction. Rather than brushing it off and letting the issue dissipate he had made it worse by avoiding the blonde.

"Yeah you have," Naruto sighed. He wasn't sure if Sasuke was truly unaware of the fact that he'd been avoiding him or if he was just trying to deny it again.

"Well I didn't realize that I was doing it," Sasuke told him. It wasn't a complete lie. He may not have tried to hang out with him but he wasn't intentionally trying to avoid him either.

Naruto sighed, "Look, I'm sorry that I interrupted your therapy session and that I asked about it. I know it was probably out of line but will you please stop avoiding me?"

"Sure, whatever," Sasuke agreed, though his tone didn't really convince the blonde that he was sincere. Sasuke wasn't really mad; he knew that Naruto had the best intentions, even if it didn't always come off that way. It wasn't as if Naruto had known he'd be there and was using it to gain information. He may have asked about it but he hadn't pushed Sasuke for more even though they both knew there was more to the story. He hoped that Naruto would be satisfied when he agreed to stop avoiding him, but he had no such luck.

"Great, then you'll come with us this weekend," Naruto grinned. He had planned to make Sasuke tag along anyway, but he was he was hoping that he could use the conversation to make things less tense and awkward between them.

"Go where and with who?" asked Sasuke. He never trusted the blonde when he wasn't specific with the details. He knew that there would be some sort of surprise waiting and it may not be pleasant.

"That's a surprise," Naruto said happily. He knew if he told Sasuke where they were going then he'd never come. "But pretty much everyone is going, except Temari because she has to work. And you can't lie to me and say that you have to work, because I know that you don't," Naruto smiled. The one good thing about working together was being able to know Sasuke's schedule. He checked the schedule each week to see Sasuke's schedule when he checked his. If anyone asked it was merely to see whom he'd be working with each day.

Sasuke silently cursed the fact that he and Naruto worked together. "Fine, but this better not be anything I'll hate," Sasuke reluctantly agreed, already regretting his decision to agree. He knew Naruto was unlikely to take no for an answer and fighting it would only cause the blonde to pester him until he agreed.

"Don't worry you'll love it, just pack warm," Naruto told with a smile as he walked out of the room.

"Pack warm? Where the hell are we going Naruto?" Sasuke yelled after the blonde, angry that he already left before he could answer. The raven had a feeling that he was going to hate the surprise. He refused to acknowledge just how easily he agreed to Naruto's request.


To say Sasuke was not pleased was an understatement. It was the end of fall and they were out in the middle of the woods. It was cold but luckily not cold enough to be snowing, which kind of surprised Sasuke for the time of year. He couldn't believe that he had let himself be dragged out to the woods to be cold and miserable for an entire weekend. "Why are we out in the middle of the woods?" Sasuke asked, hoping they made a wrong turn, but he knew he wasn't that lucky.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now