Date Night

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It was the few days before they went back to school. Most people who went out of town were coming back, including Kiba. He had yet to hear about what was going on between Naruto and Sasuke, which meant he was in for quite the surprise. He, Naruto, Sasuke, and Suigetsu all decided to hang out once the brunette got home. While there was still some tension between him and Suigetsu he was relieved that the other teen seemed to want to work it out just as much as he did. They were able to act normal in a group, it was when they were alone that things became a little weird between them.

They all sat in Kiba's room, waiting for the brunette unpack. "So, what'd I miss over the break?" Kiba asked.

"Nothing really," Naruto shrugged. He was lying on his stomach next to Sasuke on Kiba's bed. The raven was flipping through the Rolling Stone magazine that Kiba had brought back with him so he'd have something to read on the car ride home. Naruto was playing with the raven's hair and Sasuke wasn't stopping him, which the brunette found odd. 'I wonder how long I can keep this up before he swats my hand away,' Naruto thought as he continued to play with the dark hair.

Kiba just looked at the two, thinking their behavior toward each other was odd. They always had a weird relationship, but this was a new level for them. 'What the hell is going on?' Kiba wondered and he looked at Suigetsu for an explanation.

"They're dating now," the light haired teen informed him. He tried to bury the slight jealousy that Sasuke and Naruto had finally gotten together while him and Kiba were in this awkward limbo somewhere between just friends and potential boyfriend.

Kiba sighed, "Why am I always the last to know these things?" He wasn't completely surprised at the information. He figured it was bound to happen sooner or later and them staying together over the break was the perfect opportunity for it to happen.

"I didn't tell you?" Naruto asked, causing the brunette to shake his head. "Oh, sorry," the blonde apologized. The two had been so caught up in each other after getting together that they hadn't thought to tell anyone about their new relationship status. His bother only knew because he found them making out.

"Be happy you found out by them telling you," Suigetsu mumbled. 'I wish I had been that lucky,' he frowned as he remembered how he found out.

"It's not our fault you don't knock," Sasuke shrugged as he flipped the page of the magazine. He knew that the blonde was trying to annoy him so he didn't bother to stop him from playing with his hair. He had become an expert at how to ignore Naruto's antics.

"Why, how'd you find out?" Kiba asked with a small laugh.

"Kurama let me in the house and I walked into Naruto's room to find them making out on blondie's bed," Suigetsu answered.

Kiba just laughed, "Way to ruin a moment." That was his way of saying, 'Glad it wasn't me' with out using those exact words. He was just happy that he didn't have to walk in on the two of them. It was bad enough watching them make out while they were drunk, he didn't need to know how it was when they were sober and both probably very into it.

"I swear Kurama knew they were making out, he had a smirk on his face as he told me where they were," the other boy huffed. He was mad at the redhead for not warning him.

"You should have knocked," Sasuke shrugged as he continued to read the magazine, not bothering to look up. "But apparently people just don't knock anymore," Sasuke sighed, clearly annoyed by the memory.

"My brother walked in on us first," Naruto explained. He just smiled as he remembered the look on his brother's face when he had walked into the room, it was almost as good as Suigetsu's dramatic response of quickly slamming the door shut.

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