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"We're here to eat dinner, not glare at each other," Suigetsu said as he looked at Sasuke and Naruto, who had moved their chairs so far apart it looked as if there was supposed to be another chair between them. Kiba was starting to think that maybe going to dinner was a bad idea; sure, he knew that dinner would mean they could drink more because they had something to eat, but it also meant awkward silence with Naruto and Sasuke.

"We can do both," Naruto said as he continued to glare at Sasuke, refusing to lose to the other man.

"Can't we try to talk?" Suigetsu asked. He knew the answer but figured it was at least worth a try. He really didn't feel like having the two teens cause a scene and get them kicked out of the restaurant when they inevitably started to yell or physically fight each other.

"No," Sasuke said as he continued to glare back at Naruto. Sasuke wanted to argue that he hadn't started it, but that would only make him sound childish.

"Give up man these two are just too stubborn. I mean if they just want to stare into each other's eyes all night, let them," Kiba smirked. Almost immediately, both Sasuke and Naruto looked away. Naruto sank into his chair, mumbling about bastards and eyes. Kiba just laughed and asked, "What was that Naruto?"

"I was not looking into that bastard's eyes," he said, fighting the blush that was trying to appear. He looked over at Sasuke who seemed practically unfazed by it, as he did by everything. Naruto felt it wasn't fair how Sasuke could remain so unaffected by everything. It was as if he were just a shell of a person.

"What about you Sasuke were you staring into Naruto's eyes?" Kiba laughed as he looked at Sasuke, knowing very well that the dark haired teen may choose to hurt him. Kiba figured since they were in public the chance of him resorting to any sort of violence was fairly low.

"Shut up, dog boy," Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kiba just smirked; he was having way too much fun messing with the two of them.

Naruto and Sasuke were happy when the food they had ordered earlier came and took some of the attention away from them. Kiba smiled when the tall, longhaired, and big-breasted waitress came to their table to give them their food. "Thank you," he said with a grin, trying not to sound as perverted as he felt as he watched her walk away. "Man she was hot," he said.

"I couldn't tell, all I could see were her tits," Suigetsu laughed. It may have been a little sexist but it wasn't as if any of them planned to do anything without her consent. The woman probably thought she'd get a bigger tip showing some cleavage to a table of men. If anything it was probably smart of her and had likely worked on multiple occasions. He had observed how she would button up when she served a table with couples or families and casually unbuttoned one more button when serving a table of all men. It wasn't as if she made it so her boobs were hanging out, it was just enough to pull attention to them.

Naruto just remained quiet as Suigetsu and Kiba went on about the woman, he hated when Kiba acted like the woman was just some sort of object and not an actual person. It wasn't as if Naruto started talking about every hot guy they saw, he didn't understand why Kiba felt the need to talk about every hot woman.

"What do you think Sasuke?" Kiba asked. Suigetsu almost laughed at the question, but he held it in when Sasuke glared at him.

"Hn," he shrugged as he continued to eat. Kiba looked at him skeptically, as if no straight man could just say that about the girl.

"That's it?" he asked in disbelief. "You had to think she was hot."

"Actually her face was quite ugly, all you were looking at was her breasts," Sasuke said. Naruto bit his lip, not wanting to laugh at something Sasuke had said, even if it was true and the expression on Kiba's face was priceless.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now