The Lab Partner

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Sasuke and Naruto were walking through campus Monday morning. Their classes were in the same general area, so they decided to walk to class together until they had to part ways at the sciences building where the lab for Sasuke's biology class was. "So, what's your lab partner like?" the blonde asked, attempting to start a conversation. He acted nonchalant about it, but he wanted to know if Sasuke did end up pairing up with the guy he mentioned.

"He's really nice actually," Sasuke said casually. "But I just met him last week, so who knows if he'll continue to be," the raven shrugged. He didn't think much about his lab partner other than if he was going to pull his weight so they could pass that portion of the class, as it heavily determined their grade in the main course.

"That's good," Naruto said, trying not to let his jealous side get the best of him. He didn't want to drive Sasuke away just because he was a little insecure about his hot boyfriend pairing up with a guy. He reminded himself that Sasuke had said he had nothing to worry about and, therefore, he shouldn't be jealous of some guy Sasuke had just met.

"All I really care about is if he does his work," Sasuke told him, knowing Naruto had a jealous streak. It was obvious by the way he'd reacted when he told him his potential lab partner was a guy and even more so when he grilled him about Juugo the previous semester when he thought they might be dating. "You have a problem with my lab partner being a guy?" he asked, as if daring Naruto to say something about it.

Naruto shook his head, "No, just making conversation." He wasn't completely lying, he was trying to be okay with it. He trusted Sasuke completely, but it didn't make it any less annoying that people were clearly interested in him, even if they didn't all hit on him.

Before either of them could say anything else, they heard a voice call, "Sasuke!" They turned to see a guy with blonde hair running up to them. The guy had blue eyes, a little lighter than Naruto's. He was fairly well built, but far less tan than Naruto. The blonde decided right then that he hated the guy.

Sasuke greeted him, "Hey Haru." He then looked at Naruto as he told him, "Haru is my lab partner." He could see the look in his boyfriend's eyes that told him exactly what he was thinking. 'Why does he have to be so damn jealous?' he asked himself.

Naruto was trying not to look at him as if he wished the man would burst into flames, but was failing miserably. He knew that Sasuke had a type that he liked, which the other boy fit. "Hi," Naruto merely said as he pulled Sasuke closer to him, putting his arm around him. He didn't like the way that the other boy looked at Sasuke; it was not just a friendly look. He didn't trust him at all.

"This is Naruto," Sasuke introduced him to Haru. "He's my boyfriend," he added, making sure Naruto heard him tell the other boy that he was his boyfriend. He could tell that Naruto was getting jealous, so he put his arm around the blonde's waist. He wasn't sure why Naruto was so upset about it, but made a mental note to talk to him later.

"Nice to meet you," Haru said half-heartedly. He looked at Naruto and smirked, as if to say "I'm going to steal him from you and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Well, we should be getting to class," Sasuke said, noticing the tension between the two blondes. The last thing he needed was for Naruto to start a fight over nothing.

"I'll see you after class," Naruto said before pulling the raven into a kiss. Sasuke melted into it as he kissed the blonde back, letting Naruto take control. It should have annoyed him that Naruto was basically using a kiss to mark his territory, but at the same time it was extremely sexy.

Sasuke blushed a little bit as he pulled away from the blonde. While he didn't mind kissing in public, he also didn't like being watched. He could feel Haru's eyes on them and it made him slightly uncomfortable. "As I said, we should be getting to class," Sasuke told Naruto before giving him one last quick kiss, pulling away before the blonde could even attempt to deepen it.

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