The Movies

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Kiba was getting annoyed, every time he tried to hang out with Suigetsu the other boy had some excuse as to why he couldn't hang out. He let out a frustrated sigh, realizing he was being avoided. He decided it was time to take measures into his own hands. He walked down to Suigetsu's dorm and knocked on the door a little more forcefully than necessary. Juugo opened the door and seemed nervous when he saw Kiba standing in front of him, which meant he knew that Suigetsu was lying to him about being busy. "Where is he?" the brunette demanded.

"Who?" Juugo decided it would be best to play dumb. Kiba just gave him an annoyed look and pushed his way into the room. "Did I invite you in?" Juugo huffed, a little angry that Kiba seemed to have no respect for him.

"Juugo it's okay," Suigetsu reassured him before the other's temper got out of hand. He knew he could go from calm to violent in a flash and could turn out bad if you didn't know how to deal with him. Juugo just nodded and shut the door, walking over to his bed. He made no attempt to pretend that he wasn't listening in on their conversation. "What do you want?" Suigetsu asked as he turned his attention to Kiba, though he didn't look straight at him.

"You're avoiding me," Kiba got straight to the point. Suigetsu wanted to deny it, but everyone knew that it was true. Kiba just looked at him with such confusion and he knew it wasn't fair to keep his distance just because of some little crush. They had been becoming good friends and he shouldn't be letting unrequited feelings prevent him from being his friend. Unfortunately that was a lot easier said than done.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled as he tried to find a good excuse. "I've been a little busy. But I'm free now, let's hang out today," Suigetsu suggested, hoping his smile seemed genuine. "We can go get Sasuke and Naruto and all hang out," he added, not wanting to be alone with the brunette.

Kiba didn't really believe that Suigetsu had been busy, but he kept his opinion quiet. He didn't want to fight; he just wanted his friend back. "Fine, let's go get them," he agreed, satisfied that Suigetsu was no longer avoiding him. He walked out of the room, expecting Suigetsu to follow him.

The light haired teen frowned, knowing that Kiba was still a little angry with him. It hurt worse because he knew he had every right to be. In Kiba's mind Suigetsu had been avoiding him for no reason. He just sighed, hoping that the day would make up for any avoiding he had been doing. 'I can't let this affect our friendship,' Suigetsu told himself as he followed the brunette down the hall.


Naruto stared at the math problem in front of him trying to figure it out on his own. He had been staring at the same problem for at least ten minutes with no luck. No matter how many times he tried to understand the equation in front of him he knew that his answer was wrong. He looked over at Sasuke, who was concentrating on reading for one of his classes, and he couldn't help but wonder if it would be pushing the boundaries to ask him for help again. Ultimately he decided it was at least worth a try. "So, Sasuke, you know how you stopped tutoring me?" Naruto asked, trying to be nonchalant about it.

Sasuke looked up from his textbook and sighed, "Yeah, why?" He didn't know why he even bothered asking because he knew what the answer was going to be. The blonde had been asking him to tutor him for frequently, hoping that eventually his answer would change.

"Well," Naruto started, trying to see how he should go about phrasing it. Despite having asked on multiple occasions it still made him nervous asking again. "You see I'm not doing so well in my classes right now, at least not in math. It being midterm and all, I'm just worried if I don't get my grades up now, I'll never be able to," he tried to explain why he was asking first, rather than just straight out asking, hoping to get some sympathy from the raven. "I was hoping that maybe you'd tutor me again. At least just start with one class and go from there," he pled.

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