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The ride back started in silence. None of the boys knew what to say. Somehow the silence didn't feel awkward, each teen was just lost in their own thoughts. Naruto and Sasuke were both confused about their feelings and Suigetsu was still trying to figure out where he and Kiba stood.

Naruto had come to terms with his crush on Sasuke. He knew that he liked him, he just didn't know if the feeling was mutual. He hoped it was, but he didn't dare ask because if it wasn't that would possibly ruin any chance of friendship they had. After working so hard to just be friends with Sasuke it was hard for him to put it all on the line. It didn't help that Sasuke was staying with him and they'd be rooming together again the following semester. If Sasuke didn't feel the same then he'd probably go to Suigetsu's the remainder of the break and it would be a miserably awkward semester.

Sasuke had admitted to himself that his feelings for the blonde was more than just a fleeting crush that would fade away with time. He was thinking about how comfortable he felt in Naruto's arms and it scared him. He knew that he was difficult to calm down when things lights went out, yet Naruto made it seem almost easy. Suigetsu could do it because they'd been friends for so long and he was one of the few people who knew his secret. Over the years the light haired teen had learned what to do to make him calm down in those situations. Naruto on the other hand was just able to do it by holding him in his arms and that confused him. Despite having come to terms with the fact that he liked him, he couldn't come to terms with the fact that he liked him that much. Part of him thought that he'd never be able to open himself up enough to find someone he liked enough and it almost made him want to tell the blonde everything but he was too afraid of what would happen if he did. It was difficult to talk about and he didn't want things to change between them just because of what happened to him. He didn't want the pity or awkwardness that may come with telling Naruto the truth.

Suigetsu broke the silence by asking the two boys, "What are you going to do for New Years Eve?" He was hoping that he could pull the two boys out of their thoughts and make himself forget about whatever he had going on with Kiba. He wasn't one hundred percent sure of what had happened in the room when the lights had gone out, but he knew the blonde had done something to calm Sasuke down. He had a feeling it was a lot more than talking because the two hadn't held a full conversation since it happened.

"We're working that morning, unfortunately," Naruto said. He was grateful that Suigetsu had started a conversation. He hoped maybe it would allow him and Sasuke to start talking again. "People apparently still want their coffee on New Years Eve so we aren't closed in the morning," he explained.

The conversation continued as they drove to drop Suigetsu off. It was just small talk about how the break has been and what else they planned to do during the break. Mostly Naruto and Suigetsu were talking with Sasuke adding his opinion every now and then.

After they said goodbye to Suigetsu, the car went quiet once again. Sasuke finally spoke up after a few minutes. "So, uh, thanks. You know for what you did the other night," he said awkwardly. He wasn't good at saying thank you, especially on a topic like that. He wasn't even sure what to say about it, but it felt like couldn't thank him enough for what he had done that night.

"Of course," Naruto smiled, happy to get the other teen talking. "You know, I wouldn't let a friend suffer through anything, especially when I could do something," Naruto said. He glanced at Sasuke for a moment, the other teen just smiled at him. It was a small smile that most people wouldn't notice but Naruto had learned how to read Sasuke's expression. Full smiles were rare, but the small smiles were almost more special. Anyone could see a full smile, it was the small smiles that were meant to be hidden that meant the most.

The car went silent again, but it was a comfortable silence. They didn't need to say anything more. They understood that everything was fine between them. If anything, that night had brought them closer, even if they didn't know it at the time.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now