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Naruto and Sasuke were once again making out on Sasuke's bed. The blonde was making sure not to pressure his boyfriend. He kept his hands above the belt, mostly in the other boy's hair and on his chest. Sasuke had one arm around Naruto's neck and the other hand was holding onto one of his belt loops as he pulled the blonde as close to him as he could. Sasuke moaned into the kiss as Naruto's hand once again made it's way up his shirt.

He let him continue, as long as he didn't go for the pants. They had talked about boundaries and set some ground rules. First rule was that hand over and under the shirt were fine, but taking their clothes off wasn't. Second rule was hands had to stay above or near the waist., though Sasuke would let it slide if all Naruto was doing was grabbing his ass and not trying to actually take it any further. Third rule was that they weren't allowed to leave marks. Sasuke didn't feel comfortable having what was basically a bruise on his neck or any other part of his body, which Naruto completely understood. The fourth rule was that grinding was to be kept to a minimum, though they both knew that they were most likely going to break that rule at some point. The last and most important rule was that if either of them said stop at any point, they'd immediately stop. It was made clear that these rules were to be followed until they explicitly agreed otherwise.

As they continued to make out, the door to their room opened. "Oh come on, can't you guys lock the door while you guys do that?" Kiba asked. "We've already been over this, if the door is locked then I'll know to come back later," he sighed.

"Or you could just knock," Sasuke suggested, obviously annoyed. He pushed the blonde off so he could sit up and fix his appearance.

"Don't be jealous just because I get to make out with my boyfriend while you don't have the balls to ask out the person you like," Naruto huffed. "You could be doing this exact thing with your own man and leaving us alone if you just asked him out already."

"I'm not jealous," Kiba mumbled. Perhaps he was a little jealous. Not because he wanted either of them, but because he wanted what they had. "I'm just bored and want someone to hang out with," he said as he sat on Naruto's empty bed.

"Right," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Speaking of Suigetsu, I haven't seen him all day," he realized that he hadn't even heard from Suigetsu and wondered what he had been doing. It was unlike Suigetsu not to at least text him at some point throughout the day to do something or complain about Kiba. The latter had been the most common subject recently.

"You told him?" Kiba was starting to get annoyed that Naruto and Sasuke were now taking each other's side and obviously telling each other things. He couldn't believe that his best friend would spill his secret.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out," Sasuke replied. "With the way you two look at each other, I'd have to be blind not to see it," the raven pointed out, not wanting to get Naruto in trouble with his best friend. "Plus, I thought it was made pretty clear that I knew you liked him by all the teasing that has occurred since winter break," Sasuke shook his head. It really should be no surprise had he'd caught on to Kiba's crush. Theo only person that hadn't seemed to be completely convinced was Suigetsu.

"Says the guy who took forever to realize that he likes Naruto," Kiba mumbled as he crossed his arms. He knew that Sasuke was right, it had been obvious that Sasuke knew about his crush on Suigetsu. He tried to ignore the comments and pretend that Sasuke didn't know because if he knew then Suigetsu might know and he hoped that if Suigetsu knew then they wouldn't be in that situation. He was just too scared and unsure to take the plunge to tell Suigetsu how he felt.

"So besides interrupting us, is there a reason you came over?" Naruto asked. He was trying to change the subject; he didn't need his best friend and boyfriend to be fighting.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now