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Suigetsu waited for Sasuke outside of the dorms where the other teen had text him to meet. He was unsure why it was so urgent that they meet up, but it had him worried. He wondered if Orochimaru did something else or if something had shook him up. When Sasuke walked up he noticed that he was visibly upset. "Are you okay Sasuke?" Suigetsu asked, worried about his best friend.

"No," Sasuke pause and took a deep breath. "No I'm not, okay."

"What happened?" Suigetsu asked, wondering what could have set him off so badly. He could tell how angry he was just by his body language.

Sasuke looked around to make sure no one was listening to them and was satisfied when he saw no one was around. "You," Sasuke answered, making Suigetsu's eyes widen. "Because you are supposed to be my best friend and yet you don't tell me when some moron is researching me and Orochimaru." Suigetsu looked down, knowing Juugo told.

"You know he's not a threat, he's just curious," Suigetsu tried to defend his actions. Sasuke just looked at him, still angry. Suigetsu knew better than to betray his trust, he knew he should have told him. He wasn't sure why he didn't tell him or why he was making excuses for his actions when he should just apologize.

"That doesn't matter, you still should have told me," Sasuke argued. "In fact, in high school you would have. So I'm just wondering why you didn't now," Sasuke's face grew cold.

"I told you, I knew he wasn't a threat," Suigetsu said, knowing what Sasuke was implying.

"You let your feelings for Kiba get in the way," Sasuke said, annoyed with his friends actions. "You let your feelings for some guy who may never like you back get in the way of being my best friend." It may have been harsh, but it was true. As far as they knew Kiba was straight and liked Hinata, Suigetsu didn't have a chance.

"You and I both know you're over reacting, there is nothing for him to find on the Internet about your situation," Suigetsu pointed out. He didn't like that Sasuke used his feelings against him, though he felt that it might be a little true. "It won't happen again, I promise."

Sasuke was silent for a moment, he knew that Suigetsu didn't really do anything wrong. It was true that no matter how hard the blonde looked; he'd never find his secret online. "It better not," Sasuke warned. Suigetsu nodded, he was just happy to know that Sasuke wasn't going to stay mad at him.


Sasuke had kept his emotions bottled up inside for a few days. He was looking for the right way to confront Naruto. After debating in his head, he decided to just be straight forward and to the point. He walked into their room and found the blonde sitting on his bed. "Hey Sasuke," Naruto smiled, thinking he'd gotten away with researching Sasuke.

"You researched me," Sasuke said as he looked at the blonde. Naruto's eyes widened, he cursed Juugo and Suigetsu for telling. He knew it had to be one of them since Kiba wouldn't have said anything. "You invaded my privacy again."

"I wouldn't call it invading your privacy, I mean it was online for all the world to see," Naruto tried to reason. Sasuke didn't look amused with Naruto's statement. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to know who the guy staring at us the other day was," Naruto admitted. "Your reaction to him was concerning to say the least."

"Listen to me carefully, just because I tolerate you, doesn't give you the right to research me," Sasuke said. Naruto could tell Sasuke was seriously pissed off, but Naruto was getting mad too. He felt he'd done nothing wrong, it wasn't as if he'd found anything out even.

"Give me the right? I can look up whatever I want on the Internet, once it's on there anyone can look it up," Naruto argued. He knew he probably shouldn't have said that, seeing as Sasuke was already mad at him.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now