The Beach House

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Sasuke and Naruto were in their dorm room on Sasuke's bed making out. It was getting hot and heavy as Naruto was on top of the raven, their hands roaming each other's bodies. As one of Naruto's hands roamed up Sasuke's shirt and the other one started heading south, the kissing stopped. "What's wrong?" Naruto asked as he looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke gently pushed the blonde off of him as he sat up. "I just," he started trying to explain. "Remember what we talked about?" he asked as he looked at Naruto. "You know, about taking it slow."

"Of course, sorry," Naruto apologized with a small smile. He understood Sasuke's need to go slow, it wasn't like he was used to being intimate with someone. "Hands above the belt, I promise," Naruto assured him as he sat up.

"Thanks," Sasuke said quietly. He paused for a moment before deciding he should be completely honest with him, "There's something I haven't told you about Orochimaru."

"What is it?" he asked, concerned as to where the conversation was going.

Sasuke bit his lip, nervous about telling him what Orochimaru had said to him. "Remember the night I told you about when Orochimaru took me back to his house?" he asked timidly. Naruto just nodded in response. "Well, he's never actually touched me sexually before," he paused, having a hard time saying what he needed to say. "But he threatened it in the future that night."

Naruto had no idea what to say. He pulled the other teen close, holding him tightly, "He'll never touch you again." They both knew it wasn't a promise he could keep. He could do his best to protect Sasuke, but he couldn't always be with him. "I swear, if you let me I'll kill that man," he didn't let go as he laid back on the bed, bringing Sasuke with him.

"I know," Sasuke said quietly as he rested his head on Naruto's chest. "He's not worth it," Sasuke told him, making it clear that he didn't want Naruto to do anything.

"Doesn't mean I don't want to," Naruto told him. The blonde rubbed circles on Sasuke's back, hoping it was calming. "Just say the word and I'll find a way," he told him, completely serious. "Or at least let me punch him in the face."

"And get an assault charge?" Sasuke pointed out. "Not the best idea if you want to be a teacher in the future."

Naruto knew he was right but that didn't mean that he liked it. "Fine," he sighed. "You'll tell me if anything happens, right?" he asked. "I want to be there for you."

"Yeah," he said, though he wasn't sure if it was true. He had a tendency of bottling things up. Usually Suigetsu would notice that something was wrong and pull it out of him, he didn't always immediately tell him. He knew Naruto wanted him to tell him immediately when it happened and he wasn't sure he'd be able to do that. He wanted to, it was just difficult mentally and emotionally to relive what happened. "I mean, I'll try," he said, not wanting to lie.

"That's all I ask," Naruto told him, knowing it was the best he was going to get. It certainly made everything make more sense as to why Sasuke wanted to take things slow. It was bad enough that he had been taken advantage of in high school, now the creep was threatening him as an adult. Naruto would let Sasuke take as long as he needed, their relationship didn't rely on something like sex.

The two laid in comfortable silence, not needing words in that moment. Part of Naruto wanted to tell him he loved him and hold him close, but thought it was too early in the relationship for the L word so he settled with just holding him close. He could feel Sasuke relax as they laid there and wanted to lighten the mood. "So, you'll never guess what Kiba told me the other day," Naruto said with a laugh as he remembered their conversation at lunch the other day.

"Is it something he'd want you to tell me about?" Sasuke questioned as he looked up at his boyfriend. He knew that Naruto could be a bit of a blabbermouth, so he wanted to make sure it was okay for the blonde to tell him.

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