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It was bright and early on Tuesday morning as Sasuke sat outside the classroom door waiting for the professor to show up to his class. Most people though 8:30 a.m. was too early to take any class, let alone what they classified as a boring class, which is why he picked it. He didn't think Business 101 would be that boring and it allowed him to take a class that was less full so he didn't mind the early morning class.

The only problem with the class in that moment was that it was the only class that he took with Suigetsu. Sasuke was still mad at him and was trying to avoid his so called best friend at all costs. He refused to answer his calls and text and pretended not to be in the room the one time he showed up at his dorm. It was the first day of the class and they promised they'd take it together so that they could help each other if needed. However Sasuke was starting to think that he wanted nothing to do with him if all he was going to do was tell his stupid roommate things he didn't want known.

"Can I sit here?" Suigetsu asked nervously as Sasuke looked up from his place on the ground. The raven just glared as he looked away and the light haired teen sat next to him. "Please just talk to me Sasuke."

"Why should I?" he hissed, still refusing to make any eye contact. He had pulled his knees to his chest as if to protect him from potential danger. Suigetsu knew it was something he did when he was feeling vulnerable and hurt.

"You're my best friend," Suigetsu pleaded. He hated seeing Sasuke in such a state; especially knowing he was the one that caused the inner turmoil.

"That's what I thought, but then you told that moron," Sasuke said in a tone that was both angry and weak. He was mad but vulnerable at the same time. "I trusted you," he practically whispered.

Suigetsu looked around to make sure they were still out of hearing range from everyone else. The last thing he wanted was for someone to over hear them and have Sasuke even more upset. "He saw them so I figured you would have told him," Suigetsu admitted. "I'm sorry. I know it was stupid, but all I said was that they weren't from football, I didn't tell him the story."

Sasuke looked at him, trying to decide if he should trust him or not. "You shouldn't have said anything," he sighed, though he still didn't let his guard down.

Suigetsu smiled, knowing that him talking to him at all was a good sign, "I know." Sasuke nodded and Suigetsu felt happy because even if it weren't spoken, he knew that they had come to an understanding again. He knew he wasn't going to lose his best friend and Sasuke knew that he could trust Suigetsu still.

Heavy footsteps pulled the two out of their moment. Their professor was walking down the hall, Sasuke couldn't remember his name at the moment, but the face looked oddly familiar. He had round glasses and his light hair in a ponytail. He gave them a smile as he passed Sasuke and Suigetsu in the hall, something about it sent chills down the raven's spine. Behind the professor was a man who was all too familiar; it was then that Sasuke knew where he'd seen him before.

"He's one of Orochimaru's guys," he said quietly as he locked eyes with his guardian. A wicked smirk was on the elder man's face the entire time. Sasuke felt like he was going to have a panic attack and tried to take calming breaths as he broke eye contact.

"I knew something was off about him," Suigetsu said. "Sasuke we can still drop the class without it affecting our GPA," he suggested, knowing it would probably be in Sasuke's best interest mentally if they didn't take the class.

"Just let him win?" Sasuke hissed. He glared at the door Orochimaru and their professor had just walked in, wishing it were all just a bad dream. "No way, I'm done with being afraid of him, I'm going to show him he doesn't control me," Sasuke stated, though his voice waivered a little. They both knew it wouldn't be that easy. Years of abuse couldn't be brushed off just because he wanted to be strong enough to face the man without fear.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now