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Naruto and Sasuke were studying and eating lunch in the middle of campus. Naruto was happy that Sasuke seemed to brush off his questions about Juugo rather than acting weird because of them. It was always hard to tell with Sasuke whether something was going to make him act differently or not. He'd happily be called an idiot and have them move on over the awkward tension that seemed to plague them so often.

"Hey guys," Sakura said as she walked up. She was staring at Sasuke, as she twirled her hair and smiled. "What are you doing?" she asked, hoping that they'd invite her to join them.

"Studying," Naruto replied as he rolled his eyes at her actions. He knew that she was just trying to insert herself into Sasuke's life. Before he had accepted that he was gay he used to have a crush on her and her crush on Sasuke had upset him. Once he realized that he was gay and was only attracted to the idea of her. That his crush was more about feeling what people labeled as normal, not an actual attraction, he felt sorry for her because Sasuke always rejected her. Over time Naruto started to wonder why she kept trying to the point that it had become ridiculous.

"Can I study with you?" she asked. "Maybe I could help." She just wanted to spend time with Sasuke any way she could. Despite knowing that Sasuke didn't need any help she hoped that he would finally agree.

"No," Sasuke answered. "I think that having you here would just distract him," the raven nodded his head in Naruto's direction. It was an obvious lie since Naruto and Sakura weren't that close that she'd pull his attention away from Sasuke. It had been proven on numerous occasions that if anyone were going to be a distraction it would be Sasuke.

"Well then maybe just you and me could just study some time," Sakura said to Sasuke. She hoped that he'd say yes, even if he never did in the past.

"Why, do you need help with something? I thought you've always had fairly good grades," he kept his voice fairly monotone, but slightly annoyed. He didn't want to help her and he thought he made that obvious.

"Well, no, I don't need help, I just thought it'd be nice to study together. We could hang out," she smiled.

"Sakura, I don't want to hang out with you," he told her bluntly. He thought after how many times he rejected her, she should just get it. She wasn't a bad person; she just seemed to lose common sense when it came to Sasuke. She was so far in denial that she couldn't see that he was never going to reciprocate her feelings.

"But I love you," she said. "If you would just hang out with me, you'd see that you love me too," she pleaded. She just wanted to be with him, she didn't understand why he wouldn't give her a chance.

"Sakura, we hardly talk, how can you love me?" Sasuke sighed. He just wanted to get it through to her that there is no possible way that she could love him. She was in love with the idea of him. She loved his looks and his status as an Uchiha, she didn't love him. He wasn't sure how he could make her see that what she was feeling was superficial, it wasn't really love.

"Sakura, he's not going to date you, he's gay," Naruto said. He didn't get why Sasuke didn't say that when he was rejecting her.

"No he's not," she said, refusing to believe that Sasuke could be gay. She was surprised that Sasuke himself wasn't denying it. "You know what, I don't want to hear this," she huffed, walking away from the boys. She wasn't going to let someone try to convince her that her dream guy is gay.

After she walked away, Naruto turned to Sasuke, "Why don't you tell her that you're gay?"

"You saw how she reacted, do you really think that she'd listen to me? The girl is in denial she thinks I'll fall in love with her," Sasuke said. "If I told her I was gay, she'd probably start thinking that I'd turn straight just for her."

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now