🥀Chapter Five🥀

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The Triplets differ in eye color
Emma - Blue
Ava - Greyish Blue
Chloe - Green


How did they come to like them in the first place?

They have a pretty face, they've got huge boobs, and they have a height of 5 ft 4. How would you come to like a person when you haven't even talked to them yet? I guess anything's possible.

While me?

People say I'm beautiful but I'm well aware that I also have a resting dumb but a bitchy face, I don't know about the beautiful part though. I've got barely C-cup breasts...just barely. I'm petite and I guess I do have some curves, but again, barely. Then my height is 5 ft 6.

I can't take compliments, I'm too awkward for that.

Enough of that, I need to devise a plan on how to get their information but even before that what info is necessary?

I didn't know what to do so I googled it. Ahh, Google, what would I do without you.

So what I need to know--I mean what the guys need to know:

1. Celebrity Crush and Crush in general.

2. Biggest turn-off

3. What do they find attractive in a guy.

4. Their first Impression of the guys.

5. What do they like.

6. What do they hate.

7. What would they like to receive from the opposite sex.

8. Dream Date.

9. Favorite Place.

And lastly

10. Do they like the guys.


This is gonna be hard

I got up from bed, took a shower, and did all the necessary stuff a proper and hygienic person needs to do. I made a healthy breakfast and put on some clothes and tied my hair in a messy bun.

 I made a healthy breakfast and put on some clothes and tied my hair in a messy bun

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I headed out and went to school. When I arrived I was greeted by the guys.

"Good Morning, Pookie!" I yelled at Maverick and gave him a hug.

Maverick chuckled and hugged me back.

"Good morning, Precious"

I looked at him and gave him a huge smile and then I glanced at the rest of the guys.

"Did you get a good sleep, Bella?" Lorenzo asked me.

"I slept like a log as usual" I went near him and gave him the morning hug.

"Sugar, where's my morning hug?" Damian asked me while extending his arms.

I giggled at his reaction. So I stared at him and looked away.

"No fair" he pouted.

I then grinned and gave him a tight big hug.

"Uh, too tight..cacan't breathe" he was already tapping my back. I might just choke you! I'm just kidding.

I loosened my grip and laughed.

We headed to our classes and met up at the cafeteria during the break.

I showed them my plan then they looked at me.

"That's a great idea and all but how in the world are you gonna get this information?" Maverick asked me.

Honestly, I don't know how. All I know is to get this information it's either A.) I'm going to be a stalker. B.) someone with a kind heart would tell me or C.) I'm gonna be doing someone a favor to get it. I mean there is always a plan D which is not to get, you know (D (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) but to blackmail them instead 😀.

"That's my problem, all I'm saying is before you start talking up these girls, you need necessary info or you'll start acting up like a statue or even worse a dumb shat."

They do that when they're nervous. Along with their cute but sexy mannerism. I don't know how they make it look that way tho ヽ('ー`)┌.

"If you say so but don't do it if you can't" Damian warned me worriedly.


There is nothing impossible. Especially if it's for them so, Ha!

Then the bell rang again and its time for class.


Hi guys! Sorry if the chapter is short but I hope you liked it, stay safe
Please leave a vote or a comment. That is all

Love youu

-Ivory Valentia 💕

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