🥀Chapter Thirty-Three🥀

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-Third person's POV-

Ramil was in the top floor of SG co. The fifth most successful company in the U.S and the most successful company in the Philippines.

He received a call from his secretary that his eldest daughter was running towards his office. He had an awful feeling since his daughter would never do that.

The door slammed open and his daughter was frantic.

"DAD! MAGARI GOT IN AN ACCIDENT!" his daughter, Annalyn screamed and began to cry.

"She's at XXX street, Dad..Magari pleaseee.." She then collapses and faints.

He immediately called his secretary and asked someone to help Annalyn and tell his wife and son about the accident. Police were called and were already heading to the scene of the accident.

He got in the car and drove as fast as he could to the place his daughter said.

Ramil got scared. For the first time in his life, he felt pure fear. Annalyn is a  tough person. It will have to be very serious to make her pass out.

From a mile away he can already see a black car that was hit, the truck and his youngest daughter's car.

The first car only had a squashed hood but the condition of his daughter's car was terrible.

The front of the car was crushed. The windows were wrecked. He feared the worst.

He ran out and saw the paramedics and firefighters trying to pry open the car's door.

When they did, Magari came into view. They immediately searched for a pulse and it was faint. They had to break the car more the get Magari's legs out. They saw a huge gash on her back and she was bleeding out.

She was then rushed to the Hospital. They immediately performed the surgery. His family arrived and his wife cried. Annalyn looked like she was about to pass out again and his son was crying too.

Annalyn went to her Father and showed him the recording.

He felt rage and called his best companion, Fernando who was the underground boss and God's uncle to Magari and sent him the video.

They immediately went to search who was the truck driver and who ordered him to assassinate those kids in the video because if it weren't for them, Magari wouldn't be in danger.

They were going to kill the person behind it all. It didn't take long for them to find out it was from a rival company of the De Rossi's, Clifton's and Harrington's.

It was Peter Devino, the fourth richest company in the U.S

They knew the best way to make Peter feel like dying is to expose him and make him watch his company fall.

They gathered all the illegal dealings he did, all the plans he had out for his rivals, and sent a copy to the De Rossi, Clifton, and Harrington. Including the recording of the accident.

Even when he did all that he was still anxiously waiting for Magari's surgery to finish.

When the doctor came out he said he had good news and bad news.

The good news was that the surgery was a success. The bad news was she had 6 broken ribs, a broken left arm and a fractured right leg. It will all fully heal within 1 to 1 1/2 months to heal but the impact on the back of her head lead to a serious predicament.

She's in a coma.

They felt the time had stopped. The Doctor didn't know when she would wake up. The best-case scenario is that she'd wake up in one to two weeks. The worst-case scenario is that she'd sleep for years.

Ramil felt week to his knees and started praying.

Lord please, help my daughter wake up..

Magari's brother, Antonio already informed the University about his sister's situation.

Monday rolled in and the news about Magari spread. The news even reached the Philippines since Sophie and Lucas called to ask about her.

After two weeks a miracle happened, Magari Lopez woke up. Everyone was overjoyed. They were laughing and chatting when they realized something was off when she watched the recording of the accident.

"Why am I crying over the three?" She asked as she tilted her head

"What do you mean?" Annalyn asked just as confused.

"Why am I saying here that I love them when I've only met them for two months?"

"Magari, what year is it?"

"October 2020?"

"How long have you known Natasha and Cherry?"

"What's up with your questions? Two months why?"


"Call the doctor!"


"She has Selective Amnesia, she forgot every connection, acquaintance and friend she made.

The impact on her head caused the amnesia.

It all reverted back to the first 3 months of when she arrived here back in 2018. Aside from that, she hasn't forgotten about anything but if she does, please contact me

There is a chance of remembering everything but also the opposite."

"Thank you, Doctor" Magari said.

"Ok let's not worry about this for now. Just focus on recovering Ok? "

"Ok" Magari smiled.

To be Continued . . .

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