🥀Chapter Six🥀

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How in the BLUE CHEESE am I gonna do this?!

Think Magari thinkkk..

Ok so first is Celebrity crush, pretty easy right? Wrong! It would have been easy if we were close but NO. For some reason, I don't know what they hate my guts.


One year ago,

I was walking up to my locker when I accidentally bumped into one of the fielding sisters.

It was a slight bump but she was livid!

"Ugh! Get the fuck away from me bitch!" Ava Fielding

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you"

"Look at this slut, aww your knights aren't with you huh?" Chloe said mockingly

"You know you should just give it up, they're out of your reach. They're better of with us instead" They laughed.

"Keep talking you blondie dingbats, I pray that someday your brain cells come back so that you could actually talk some sense. I don't know what the fuck y'alls problem is but just for the record, I don't fucking care. Bye Biatch" I smirked and left.

-Back to the present.-

Ok so step 0.1 is to talk to their friend. Who is it you ask? The one and only Yui Robertson. She even has the same name as that stupid girl from that one reverse harem anime that I only watched because of the cute guys and not the actual plot.

I was walking around the campus trying to see if I can find her.

There she is!

She's in the girl's comfort room retouching her make-up. How do I approach her? Hmm..ok act natural!

"Hi Yui, do you perhaps know who are the celebrity. rushes of the triplets?"

"Ha? Yeah, why?"

"Oh, can you please tell me who they are?"

"Yeah sure!...wait what for?"

"Oh um..someone from my club was wondering"

"Ok what do I get out of this telling you"


"I'm not giving information for free."

What in the actual fork! It's just Celebrity CRUSH! Not their bank forking account you mother trucker!!!

"H-haha..then what do you want?"

"I actually want to dump this guy but I can't really tell him in person so I'll give a note to you and just give it to him."

"But you could've just texted him right?"

"I lost his number."

How do you freaking lose someone's number unless you delete it?!

"Suu-rre so who is he?"

"Marcus Smith"

"The goalie of our soccer team?"


Woah I never knew he was dating someone. I mean it's none of my business but lemme tell you he ain't ugly. He 👌🏻

"Ok then, when?"

"Friday after school at the back of the campus."


Then she left. I can't believe I'm acting like a forking slave...🤦🏻

I just hope nothing goes wrong..

To be Continued . . .

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