🥀Chapter Thirty-Five🥀

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Peter Devino was put to prison. Honestly, I'm kind of thankful that I lost my memories. I've always kept a journal since I was a young teen.

I read my journal and it seems that I was truly in love with three guys. I'm not an idiot, I'm sure the reason why I fell for them was that they were wonderful people.

I could feel happiness, sadness, and jealousy from my journal. How I mentioned that I heard moaning when I was in the next hotel room as them.

I felt bad for myself, because even now when I have forgotten about them. There is still a phantom feeling of love. I know it is my feelings so I won't deny it but I find it odd now. I don't know them but they know me. It's kind of scary.

I've been getting snippets of my past memories. Like how me, Cherry, and Natasha would run around the amusement park.

It didn't take long for us to get closer again. It took a month before the five came over to my apartment. Lucas and Sophie were totally chill about it and also hung out.

Like what was in my journal, they are total sweethearts to me. They broke up with the triplets and I'm now getting to know them better.

Today the four of us were hanging around like usual at the outside of an ice cream shop when Maverick's hair kept going to the front of his face I quickly finished my ice cream and took out my comb and some hair ties.

"Maverick, can I tie your hair?" I asked.

He looked shocked for a moment but still let me tie it.

I tied it into a half up half down ponytail. His hair was still getting to his face since it was the end of November so it was windy. I braided it instead into two french braids.

I walked in front of him and checked if it was fine. He even has better hair than I do for gosh sakes!

I patted his hair one last time before I let go, but he took my hands and placed it on his face. He looked at me and pulled me closer to him.

He stuffed his face on my stomach and caressed my back. For some reason, I don't find this bad so I just petted his head some more.

"That's unfair.." Lorenzo said as he stared at Maverick. He just stuck his tongue out.

I laughed and said.

"Pookie, you're teasing Lo again." When I said that I gasped, How da fuck did I remember their pet names.

Maverick got up and held my face.

"D-do you remember us?"

"I just suddenly remembered the pet names, even I'm shocked."

Damian then suddenly got up and hugged me from the back. He didn't say anything but just continued on hugging me. He stuff his face on the crook of my neck and his hands sneaked its way to my waist.

"I feel like you've done this before..like in a classroom? I don't know.."

He leaned his head on mine and whispered.

"I did." That sent shivers on my spine and butterflies on my stomach.

I can feel my face heating up so I tried to get away from his grasp when I did, he held me tighter.

"Damian, let goooo"

He chuckled and he did. We sat back down and enjoyed the day.

-Third Person's POV-

It has been a month since Maverick, Lorenzo, and Damian come to terms with their feelings for their "bestfriend" they asked Natasha and Cherry about what they were feeling since they were confused.

They got a long scolding from them and got yelled


The two went on asking them questions to prove that they were right,

"How would you guys feel if she fell in love with a different guy like for example, Lucas?"

Their face darkened. They remembered that during the first week since she came back, she slept on his lap, hugged him, kissed him on the cheeks, and held hands with him.

"How would you feel if the said person made love with Magari?"

When they imagined it, they felt like punching Lucas' face and beating him up.

"Lastly how would you feel if she got married to him?"

They got up and their imaginations went wild. They wanted to beat up Lucas now. When he didn't really do anything.

"Woah Woah Woah, chill. Imagine having that feeling, matching the guys you like with another person and having to listen to them making out and do it and be rejected and labeled a friend"

They knew what she meant. If they felt like that what would Magari have felt like?

It was enough confirmation to know that they love her. They did all they can do to become closer to her and makeup with her. When the triplets tried getting with them again they just threatened them that they will crush their Father's company if they bother them again.

-Magari's POV-

Four days ago the guys asked me if they could talk to my Father. I asked my dad first and he said ok.

I showed them to his office and it's been 3 days since I've seen them.


Did dad kill them?!

Nope since they just texted me.

They asked me if I can come over to Lorenzo's house. Yup, he owns his own house. I said sure.

When I arrived there, I just opened the door and they looked dead tired. Woah, what happened to them?

I turned on the air conditioning and got cold towels for them.

"What happened to you guys??"

"...We asked your dad if we could court you," Damian said in a hoarse voice with a towel over his eyes.

"Oh, you asked my dad if you could court me.."

"YOU ASKED MY DAD IF YOU COULD COURT ME?! How did you find out that my family is traditional??! Wait you're going to court me??"

"We didn't, we wanted to do it the traditional way. ..Your Father is scary.." Maverick said while holding his temples.

"Yes Bella, we want to court you."

"...Did you know that back in the Philippines I'd just send the guys who wanted to court me to my Father and they'd just quit not even that long after."

" I wouldn't doubt it, It's harder than any test I've been through in both Physical and Mental." Damian sighed.

My sister's fiancee had to go through it too. It took him one day though. My dad knows that the guys have rejected me and that means he gave them an even harder time. That's not all, you have to do it again before marriage.

I sat down and after ten minutes of silence and heavy breathing, the guys finally got up and stood in front of me.

"Magari, we have always loved you. It took some scolding from Natasha and Cherry for us to realize our feelings. We were Idiots.." Maverick said.

"We are sorry that we hurt you, You are more than a friend to us Magari, we want to be more to you as well," Lorenzo said.

"So please Magari, can we court you? We'll do anything, please.." Damian begged.

"..Ok, but it won't be easy! It took my sister's fiancée 10 months before my sister said yes and that's just for being her boyfriend. Are you sure about this?"

They immediately nodded.

I hugged and then gave them a peck on their lips.

I hurriedly left and drove off. Hehe~

To be Continued . . .

A/n:( 02/08/2022)

I wonder what I drank when I made this story :D

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