🥀Chapter Sixteen🥀

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"I-is this what Sof was talking about? The surprise?"

"Mhm, Sof is also here, she's at the registrations office. We are transferring here for the next semester." He said while fixing my disheveled hair and wiping my snot.

Don't judge, I told you he treats me like a sister.

Don't judge, I told you he treats me like a sister

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"Would you tell me why you're crying?" He asked me while cupping my face

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"Would you tell me why you're crying?" He asked me while cupping my face.

"I'll tell you and Sof later when we get home. Where will you guys stay?"

"Auntie said we will stay with you since you have 2 guestrooms. Is that ok with you?"

"Absolutely! I would love you both there! I have a question though, how can you transfer? Your credentials?"

"Not a bit of negotiation can fix. Sophie really wanted to study here with you and I can't leave you both alone here. She's also excited to meet Natasha and Cherry, she always felt left out"

"Well, I'm happy you guys are here. I'm half day today since I have practice this afternoon with Cherry."

"Perfect. Can we watch you practice?"

"Nope," I said popping the p

"The dance is a surprise. Go home and rest, do you have the key and passcode?"

"Yeah, Uncle told us. I won't keep you for long, I think that's Cherry over there."

"Lucas! I finally got to meet you!" Cherry greeted as she held his hands and shook them.

"Nice to meet you too" he smiled.

"I would love to talk to you more but Me and Magari have to attend practice, make sure to watch us next week kay? Byeee"

"Bye Lucas!" I waved at him as we left.

I'm bummed I didn't get to see Sof but it's fine. I'm glad they're here, a distraction from what I witnessed earlier.

After Practice Natasha and Cherry decided to have a sleepover at my place to meet Lucas and Sof. Mackie would have come with if it weren't for the fact that he and his boyfriend and girlfriend having another date.

I received a text from the guys

Lo: Bella, we have something to tell you can we come over?

Me: Sorry not today, how about telling me here?

Big Bear: The notes you gave us helped a lot, thank you.

Pookie: If it weren't for you we wouldn't know what to do, Thank you precious.

Me: It's fine, anytime :)

Lo: When do you think we can hang out in your house, Bella?

Me: I don't think you guys should come over anymore...

Big Bear: ???

Pookie: It's fine but could you tell us why?

Me: I have other people living with me now. :)

Lo: I didn't know you were looking for a roommate?

Me: Oh I wasn't, my parents surprised me that my best friends Lucas and Sophie are going to live with me from now on.

Pookie: A girl and

Pookie: A Guy???

Me: Yeah both of them are my childhood friends. I've talked to you guys about them before.

Big Bear: are you ok with that?

Me: Yeah super! Well, I have to go now, Lucas is calling me. Byee~

-Star has logged out-

That night the five of us had a great talk. Sophie and Lucas got to meet and know about Natasha and Cherry.

Lucas was shocked when he opened my drawers and stared at me with narrowed eyes and started to scold me but in the end, he told me he respected my choice and that I should know what I'm doing since I'm an adult

And he told me he trusted me. Thank you!

Lucas after a while left me and the girls alone. He said that he shouldn't get in between girl time. Thank you again!

I became sad again. I remembered what I saw and started to cry. Who am I to be jealous??

"Shhh, tell us what happened?" Sophie hugged me and patted my back.

"I was a little too good at being a matchmaker. That's what happened."

"Oh no, they're together now?!" Cherry exclaimed grasping my hands.

"No shit sherlock" Natasha bonked Cherry's head.

"Yeah, I think I need to distance myself from them. I don't want to be a kabet"

"Kabet?" Natasha asked

"It's like the girl purposely seduced the man who is already in a relationship with someone else. Then you guys became a couple too behind that person's back. Clinging onto him like a parasite and vice versa." Sophie explained.

"So like a mistress?" Cherry asked.

"Somewhat yeah," Sophie said.

"We don't need a man, we single girls! We queens! No man can take what we have!" Cherry yelled.

"Did you forget that you have a boyfriend, Cher?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, hehe" she scratched her head.

We ended up talking throughout the night. They managed to convince me that I should. change for me, not for anyone else. That I should be proud of who I am and of my body.

And I'll do just that, I still love the guys. It'll just stay unrequited and a secret from them.

To be Continued . . .

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