🌹Chapter Twenty-Five🌹

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I was resting in the dressing room when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said as I throw away the band-aid wrapper.

Natasha, Cherry, and the guys came in. Natasha immediately held my face and checked my lips.

"I knew that the first kiss wasn't planned!" Natasha yelled as she saw the band-aid.

"Congratulations on losing your first and second kiss!" Cherry starts clapping

"But the second kiss was planned right?" Natasha asked.

"Nope, it was a last-minute decision," I said.

"Why didn't you say no?" Damian asked. He looked mad.

"Well I mean it was for the play and it adds more points if we do it like the story," I explained to them.

"So you mean you'll do anything for a few points??" Lorenzo asked his voice raised.

"What is your problem??" I raised my voice too.

"Magari, we just don't want you to do anything stupid ok???" Maverick said.

"What do you mean stupid?! If you didn't know actors and actresses kiss each other even if they don't like it!" I said.

"But you're not an actress!" Lorenzo said.

I raised my brow and looked at them.

"Magari, that wasn't what he meant.."

"I know you care, thank you but what's done is done. Go out and cool yourselves." I seriously said as I pointed to the door.

They looked like they were going to say something but still left the room.

I sat back down. That was the first time we ever argued. I held my temples and let a few tears drop.

"Why are they pissed? I'm the one who lost their first kiss! and the second one!"

I threw my hands up in disbelief.

When it was 12:45 pm we had to go to where the others were gathered. It will be Live to the rest of the schools, means they can see whatever we are doing.

All of us are still in our costumes. I looked at the screen and the cameraman is showing all the contestants. I'm still wearing a really expensive quality golden blonde hair and medieval-ish styled gown. Well more like an upgraded version of Aurora's. I'm also wearing green contacts.

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I was fiddling with the free flowers given to us when Jude nudged me

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I was fiddling with the free flowers given to us when Jude nudged me. He told me to look at the screen. When I did it wad me. What's up with the cameraman??

Even when it was during the dance competition when I watched the video Natasha taped.

I just gave a small smile and wave. I went back to whatever I was doing. When the host finally spoke, he called all the Directors in front of the stage.


I stood up and tried my best to hold onto my gown. Some of the Directors at my back helped me with my gown. I thanked them.

The host let the judges compliment and ask each of the program directors. When it fell on me the director asked me a question.

"Miss Lopez you are the Director but you are also Aurora, in the script, it was written that a different girl was supposed to be Aurora, what happened?"

"Our Princess got into an accident two days prior to today. We voted on who our Aurora would be and my members decided that I'm suitable for it."

"How were you able to memorize the script that fasts?"

"I along with my Co-Director made the script and I personally helped the actors on how to project their voices in the play. Of course, it was a success because of their excellence and teamwork."

"Well, I must say, Miss Lopez, I was definitely not expecting a musical. I'm very pleased that your team was very creative. Some of those songs were originals, yes?"

"Yes ma'am"


"Now it's time to decide who are our top three!"

"3rd place, Orenson University!" The Director for their play went to get the award.

"2nd place, Holland University!"

"And lastly what you've all been waiting for, The winner of the competition is...Edgerton University!!'

I walked my way to the front to get the award. The trophy was quite heavy, really heavy. When I got the trophy I fell on my knees. Since I was wearing a gown, It looked graceful. But my knees weren't having it.

I was shocked at how heavy it was, I checked if it was broken and began to think about my life's decisions.

I was shocked at how heavy it was, I checked if it was broken and began to think about my life's decisions

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The host had to take the trophy from me and chuckled. I giggled and said,

"It's either I'm too weak or you're too strong but I definitely think it's the first one."

"Are you saying I'm weak?" He laughed.

"Hahaha, you said it not me" I laughed while raising my hands up

Many laughed at our little interaction. After a while, I joined my members and we cheered. We took photos with the trophy. Before we went back to school we visited Veronica so that we could take photos with her too.

Honestly, I'm dying to remove the gown but when we arrived at the University the principal and owner of the University were so proud of us that he wanted to take pictures of us as well like during the Dance Competition.

They both kept on saying,

"Our students are Excellent!! Geniuses!! They always bring home Trophies~" in a sing-song voice.

During the first semester, there was also a competition for the computer students and they won first place as well.

After all the pictures were done I managed to arrive at the dressing room.

Natasha and Cherry were waiting for me there. They told me how I looked like a real princess when I fell. I asked them to help me remove the wig and all the bobby pins stuck in my hair.

While they were removing the wig, I removed the makeup. Too much makeup! It's too hot!

I stripped down to my underwear. I had to wear light pink lace underwear I got at Victoria's Secret so that it blends with the dress.

Finally air! I stretched my arms to feel the aircon in my armpits when the most cliché thing happened. You guessed it.

The guys just had to come in.

To be continued . . .

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