🥀Chapter Thirty-Four🥀

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-Third person's POV-

Lorenzo, Damian and Maverick felt shock that Magari, their best friend confessed to them. Some part of them is overjoyed about the situation but fear was more prominent.

If they became a couple and then they broke up, they can't be close anymore. The three of them have no problem in sharing a woman but they decided to treat her as a friend.

The look on her face made them realize that she was expecting this. When she said goodbye they felt something heavy in their chest. They felt as if it'll really be goodbye.

They tried catching her but she has already driven off. They left her to have some alone time. They'll just talk to her on Monday.

Monday came around and she wasn't in school. They thought maybe she overslept again. They were sitting in the same table as their girlfriends when they heard Cherry screaming.

"No! No! No! MAGARI!! That's HER CAR!!" She cried pointing at the TV screen. Natasha was too shocked and stayed still.

The three of them looked at the news.

"Youtuber star Magari Lopez commonly known as Loopyz saved three children from getting hit by a truck last night at 10pm. The truck  driving toward's the children's vehicle didn't stop then she intercepted before the tragedy happened.

The car where the children were got hit but luckily the children were safe. The situation about the savior has remained unknown. It was disclosed that she is on the brink of death's door as of now.

The following footage may be offensive to some people, viewers discretion is advised."

They watched how Magari's car got faster and faster. The way she hit the truck made their hearts stop. The front was totally crushed.

They showed pictures of the scene. It looked terrible. A lot of dried blood can be seen on the floor. The car they used to carpool in was gone.

"N-no.." Damian whispered in disbelief.

The footage of her being carried away then flashed.

She looked dead then. If someone said that person in the footage was dead no one would doubt. Her complexion was white. Blood all over her body and a large gash in her stomach. Her arms were limp.

Maverick's eyes pooled of tears. Lorenzo stood up and left. The triplets couldn't even say anything.

Everyone in the building got worried about their schoolmate. She was always smiling whenever they saw her. Even though she doesn't know who you are, she'll help you.

Some cried when they thought about her situation. Cherry and Natasha passed out from shock. They felt as if a part of them got crushed.

The school let the students go home early, it must be a shock to all of them to see their schoolmate in such state.

The three guys sat in front of Magari's apartment. They were allowed entry by Sophie after they contacted her.

When they went inside Magari's room Damian saw a scrapbook. He opened it and amazing and well kept pictures of her time in the U.S were inside.

But majority of the pictures were about them.

Damian collapsed on the floor and for the first time in his life, he cried.

Lorenzo's phone rang and he picked it up. That's when they found out that the children were their little cousins. His mother felt bad for them so she sent him the video of the screen recording even though she wasn't supposed to.

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