🥀Chapter Twelve🥀

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"Don't worry Pookie, He hasn't done anything" I said as I patted his hands.

I was shocked by his next action. He looked at me as if he failed to do something then he kissed between my eyebrows

 He looked at me as if he failed to do something then he kissed between my eyebrows

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(A/N: Imagine this man kissing you in between your eyebrows:

(A/N: Imagine this man kissing you in between your eyebrows:

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Yeah I'd pass out ( ' ▽ ' )ノ )

I was too shocked so I accidentally leaned more onto Damian. He stuffed his face in the crook of my neck fuwawa~~~

(A/N: yeah it's me again, imagine him

On your neck, yeah I'd double pass out ( ' ▽ ' )ノ )

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On your neck, yeah I'd double pass out ( ' ▽ ' )ノ )

The bell rang again and Since it was the second time we must head to class so before we went out, Lorenzo gave him an uppercut and the guy passed out.

Lorenzo scolded me for a sec and then we well more like they reluctantly separated to go to our own class.

. . .

School ended pretty uneventfully, after class we had dance practice until 7 pm. I told the guys ahead of time and they told me to text them when I arrive home. What I didn't know about the dance was there were draw lots!

I changed my clothes for dance practice so that I could feel more comfortable dancing.

I changed my clothes for dance practice so that I could feel more comfortable dancing

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Evan showed what he pulled out from the box. He pulled out three cards our school was assigned with 2 Sensual dance (sexy), Tiktok, and the other was an artist, Saweetie. We chose Bella Poarch's song Build a Bitch for the TikTok theme.

The song lineup were:

Build a bitch - High Heels - Dangerous Woman - My type

We're currently practicing for Build a Bitch. I found out was the second reason they wanted me to be part of the Dance Troupe. Because I'm a YouTuber. Yup, because I'm "famous" puhlease!

It was fun though, Cherry was really great at it too. Natasha was like our cheerleader. She was screaming too much to the point Evan scolded her. She just pouted and proceeded to silent screaming. She was also a dear to vlog the dance practice since she said it was youtube worthy.

I went to the supermarket first since it was their weekday end sale. I arrived home a little late since I was in the mood to eat out. It was currently 8:45 pm and I plugged my phone in since I used up all the battery.

Then it began ringing notifications crazily. I looked at my phone and SHIT I forgot to text the guys that I'm home.
I read the last text they sent me and they said they were coming over DOUBLE SHIT!

Ding Dong~


I haven't taken a shower, I haven't changed my clothes. I'm sweating. Literally, my sweat is dripping from my stomach. My hair is messy, I'm still kinda red. Ughhhh

I reluctantly walked towards my door and checked the peephole. Yup, it's them.

I opened the door and they just swarm me with questions of why I haven't texted them for over 1 hr and 45 minutes. Where have I been and If I was ok?

"Guys! I'm fine! there was a sale in the supermarket and the good quality meat was cheap. I splurged on the beef since it was usually expensive."

They all sighed in relief

"Also I didn't text you since my phone died. I'm really fine"

Lorenzo was about to hug me when I stopped him. He said it was unfair since the other two got to hug me earlier and I explained to him that I was sweaty and he looked at my stomach since the sweat was pretty damn obvious.

I noticed they finally took a good look at what I looked like. They were slightly red but then Lo still hugged me anyways. I sighed in defeat and patted him in the back.

They came into my Apartment and I told them I had to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I saw Maverick sleeping on my bed. Damian watching Netflix in the living room and Lorenzo nodding off on my big fluffy white beanbag.

Well, I guess sleepover. I went to my door and locked it. I told Damian he can sleep in any room he wants since my apartment has two guestrooms. I climbed up my bed and pushed Maverick a little so that I can scoot over. My family is pretty wealthy so I can afford to buy a huge bed but they still taught me how to save money and spend it wisely.

Maverick did move and I laid beside him. Honestly speaking my heart is POUNDING. Who wouldn't?! He's soo handsome and wow his eyelashes are long. I closed my eyes to try to go to sleep. I felt hands snake their way on my waist and I looked to see that Maverick thinks I'm his pillow again.

My eyes dropped and I finally went to sleep.

When I woke up I looked at my wall clock and its 5:00 am. I looked to my right and Lorenzo was sleeping beside me holding my arm. Maverick was still in the same position as last night and Damian was right there, using my left thigh as a pillow and my right thigh as a hugging pole.

My heart be doing cartwheels, I have to leave at 8:00 am. Mackie is going to pick me up. But for now, lemme go back to sleep.

To be continued. . .

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