🥀Chapter Fifteen🥀

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I got the info🎶

I got the info🎶

I got ,I got, I got, I got, I got the info🎶

I did a little happy dance O(≧∇≦)O

I've successfully found all the information I needed without doing anything Illegal!

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I've successfully found all the information I needed without doing anything Illegal!

I mean if I really wanted to find out I could have hired a detective but I didn't ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Sophie also told me last week that she had a surprise. I didn't know what but she told me I'd see it soon.

I gave the guys the info last week after I got it. Although I'm a little worried, I don't think they'll jump right in immediately after finding out what they want.

I mean one of the answers there was s3x and in bed!


It's finally lunchtime, As usual, I arrived quite late to school since I woke up late. I wore something quite casual. A black sort of lace mini skirt and a wool light dirty pink long off the shoulder.

 A black sort of lace mini skirt and a wool light dirty pink long off the shoulder

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"Morning!" Said a jock from another class.

"Good morning" I smiled.

"Morning Magari!" greeted another girl from a different class.

"Morning!" I smiled and waved at her too.

People at the university are quite nice. I haven't faced any discrimination from them even after knowing I'm asian :)

After many waves and good mornings, I finally got to the table. I noticed something off. Terribly off. The guys weren't there. They were at the triplets' table. One of the triplets spotted me and then the six of them got up.

The triplets held hands with the guys and went out of the cafeteria with them.




I was shocked. I know I shouldn't but I followed them. They went to an empty hallway and split up.

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