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"N-no I don't, you damn perv." holding the towel tightly as my body burns from embarrassment. She gets closer making my breath hitch, body paralized by her unwavering gaze. Her eyes scan my body, and I swear I just wanted to die then and there.

"Then go put some clothes on, darling." her lips twitched slightly, my body tingling just from the sight.

"Did you hear me, or do I have to repeat myself?" she questions, eyes boring into mine, feeling my consciousness coming back and bolted up my room, slamming the door behind me shut.

"You damn idiot uugghhh" going in my closet, I grabbed my shorts and a long sleeved loose shirt, typical house wear. Then descended down the stairs to find her sitting on the couch on her phone. I didn't know how to initiate a conversation with her so I just cleared my thoat.

I know she heard me, she stopped typing for a few seconds before resuming. I huffed and sat opposite to her and turned on the tv, F. R. I. E. N. D. S. was on so I made myself comfortable, giggling and laughing away that is until...I hear my stomach rumble. I hear a scoff beside me, reminding me of the presence of the brunette, once again embarrassed.

"Didn't eat?" she questions, hands typing away.

"N-no." the fuck you stuttering for, idiot?

I cleared my throat, composing myself then looked at her side profile and continued. "I'm waiting for my father to come back." she shrugged.

"Why not just cook?" I looked away.

"I uh can't cook." she nods her head humming. It was quiet for awhile, nothing but the sounds of the tv and occasional tapping of phone could be heard...till she spoke again.

"Why don't you call him?"
Right, you dingus what's the use of your phone.

"R-right." quickly calling my father, waiting for him to pick up. He finally picks up, only to hear that he got called in for work and that he'll be home by morning. Ending the call with a huff, I get up to grab a granola bar and went back to the couch, munching away till it's gone.

Not enough.

"Why not just order out?" I looked over to my side, finding her looking up at me, leg perched on the couch as she rests her head on the palm of her hand that rests on the frame. My body initially froze but thankfully snapped out of it.

"U-um he didn't leave spare money and I'm saving my money for something." she hums and turns her attention to the tv and frowns.

"He's idiotic" I looked back and noticed she's talking about Ross. It was the scene where Rachel is closing up shop, hands on her face having faught Ross about her feelings.

"I don't think so, it's romantic. Being the only people in a room where you can both be vulnerable, immersed in your world with the person you're destined with." she hums.

"Think about this, as these couple are, as you say immersed in their world, they're not fully aware of what's beyond that." I furrowed my brows and turned to her in question.

"By doing this, both of them are hurting an innocent person." she looks at me in the eyes and says "cheaters"

I didn't know why, but I just felt a thump in my chest.

"O-oh" she turns back to the tv and sighs, going back to her phone, losing interest on the show, I guess.

I guess my stomach wanted to break off the tension in the room as it once again rumbles, i quickly wrap my arms over my stomach. I hear a sigh beside me then movement, and I looked over to see her get up, then walk to the kitchen.

She started rummaging through the cabinets in search of something, making me panic and quickly walking fast towards her.

"H-hey, you can't just raid someone else's kitchen, rude much?" I stood by the isle, cautious around her.

"Where do you keep your pans?" she turns towards me.

"L-lower cabinet but why-"

"I cannot stand hearing the consistent noise your stomach insists on making." she turns around and bended over to retrieve the pan, while I was busy choking on my own spit at the sight of her voluptuous and plump behind.

Dear God

I was too zoned out to see her walking towards me, mind in a fumbling mess I stepped back to give her space but was too late as her shoulder bumps mine.

"S-sorry" wait, why am I apologizing?
I was about to give her a piece of my mind before she cuts me off again.

"You're a damn hazard, sit down and stay put." she says as she now raids the fridge, grabbing some eggs, bacon and vegetables, then onto the stove.

"Sit. Down." not noticing I was staring, I whimpered as I met her hard gaze and quickly situated myself on the counter, observing her.

For the next twenty minutes, it was spent me gawking over her. Her skill in cooking, how her delicate hands line then chop the vegetables, her eyes full of concentration and her lips, that she would often bite as she make arrangements on the plate.

"Eat up, princess." in front of me were two plates, both with an omelet and bacon on the side as well as a spoon and fork. I quickly looked up, mouth agape at her doings.

 I quickly looked up, mouth agape at her doings

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"Wha- um I uh thank- wait, princess?"

I was short circuiting

Her lips twitches a bit, no doubt finding my stuttering amusing.

"You seem to have a hearing problem" she slices a portion of her omelet, before gently biting on it. The action draws my eyes again.

"Eat" I looked at her eyes and bit my lip, looking down. Picking up my utensils and began eating, humming at the flavor that graced my mouth.

"T-this is good." i looked up at her under my lashes, finding her nodding and continued eating. After we finished, I quickly brought the dishes to the sink and told her that I'll take care of it in the morning.

"Th-thanks for the meal." as she finished drinking her water, she places it on the sink then turned to look at me.

"Let's head to bed."

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Yes yes, I'm alive....though nobody asked but eh 🤷‍♀️

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