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As I laid there, my mind swirls with various emotions, questions and was mostly plagued with certain um...scenarios.

Questions revolving around what she said about having lots of problems, emotions being all over the place and creating these...nevermind.

Right as she said those words, her voice deep and lingering in my ear, the feel of her hands and nails on my bare flesh, why did those...paralyzed me. Literally made me freeze, my thoughts blank, heart pounding as my body heat rose.

And as I try to sleep and close my eyes, all I can see are those tantalizing cerulean eyes. I hate it. I hate how she made me feel, I felt vulnerable and weak. How could she easily say such barbaric things, much less to a customer.

Over her knee pfft what am I, a kid?

A scene flashed in my head, making me squeeze my eyes shut, shaking away those thoughts. No no no, think of something else. Puppies! Cute little fur babies playing with kittens, all living in a cute little castle with all the other magical creatures and living like prince and-


What the fuck, Caterina! Stupid idiot! I covered my ears, thinking if I do so it'll make her go away. God even in her sleep, she pesters me.

Speaking of, I let her sleep somewhere else.  She probably is on the guest bedroom, right? Yeah, think so....

But what if she's not?

Then on the couch? But then, she won't have anything to warm herself. Plus it's too small for her tall figure.

Or maybe, she left? No, she said she came here to do her know what, I'll just go and check.

I went to the room beside mine and found no one there, heading over to the left side, still no one there. I looked down at the living room and saw her, sleeping with her arms crossed and body laid straight along the couch.

That looks uncomfortable.

I went downstairs and headed to where she's at. I didn't know what to do so I tapped on her arm, but seeing no response. I placed my hand on her shoulder, shaking her lightly.

"Hey wake up." she groans and opens one eye, seeing me and closing it again.

"Go to bed" she was falling asleep again, and I shook her. "What? Do you wanna watch your show again?" she rasps as her eyes met mine, momentarily getting lost in them.

"I- no, but you should sleep in the guest bedroom, I'd feel better and it's more comfortable there." she groggily sits up and stretches, her shirt hiking up and I had to avert my eyes.

This is not good for me.

"After you" I speed walked up the stairs and headed to the room beside mine. Gesturing her in there.

"You have everything you need there, and there's a spare towel and toothbrush under the sink of you want to freshen up." she nods her head as she heads inside. She turns to look at me expectingly.

"What?" she points to my hand on the door handle and once again, I'm being an idiot.

"O-oh sorry, good night." I let go and headed out, but not before hearing a good night from her. As I entered my room, I immediately face planted on my bed and buried my face in my pillows.

How many times have I act stupid in front of her? God, how embarrassing.

I didn't know exactly when I slept, but I thank God I did. I just know that if I didn't, a variety of thoughts would've kept me wide awake.

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