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It's been a few days since my last appointment with Amber and I haven't heard a word from her. Well, given that I stupidly didn't ask for her personal phone number, and I refuse to call the company's, here I sat reading, um trying to read anyway, but a certain brunette keeps infiltrating my mind.

That's it, I'm bored.

"Hello bestiieee!!" I jumped from the sudden loud greeting, making the book fly off my lap and drop to tye floor.

"You bitch! Now I don't know what chapter I'm on!" her face scrunches as she throws her purse on my bed, plopping down next to me.

"Honestly did you a favor." she says, brushing it off.

"I'll get you for that, you know?" she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, anyway how's it going with you and Ms. Hottie?" she wiggles her eyebrows playfully, now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"We're good, although we did bicker-"

"Of course you did, with your stubborn ass"

"Shut up, anyway yeah after that we um...kinda kissed and stuff" I mumble the last part quietly, but when it comes to gossip this bitch has super hearing.

"Hold on, kissed!? And STUFF? Define stuff" I could feel myself get warmer by the second, looking anywhere but Estasia. To which she wasn't having, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me pretty hard.

"Speak!" I slap her arms away then awkwardly clear my throat.

"Well yeah, we kissed um more like I kissed her first-" I hear a gasp then looked at her, fanning her eyes.

"I'm so proud" I laugh a little.

"Then the next night, we kinda argued? Then next thing I know, we were kissing" I scoffed "and me being a little inexperienced in making out, she...continued to go lower" memory flashes in my mind, her lips, warmth, her subtle touches, my body completely at her mercy.

I can't take this.

I quickly stood up then walked towards my window, opening it to get some much needed air. I hear her walking briskly towards me as I look outside.

"Lower? Did she??" I quickly spin around and give her a look.

"No, are you kidding? I barely know her" I say that knowing full well that if she hadn't stopped, I would've allowed it to happen.

But E doesn't need to know that.

She stopped, looking at me with an unreadable expression.

" wanted to" I look away and sigh.

"Ha! You horny bitch, and here I thought you're innocent" she lets out a cackle and I put my hand over her mouth.

"Shut up would you? My neighbors could've heard your damn big mouth" she quickly takes my hand off then flipped her hair to the side.

"Whatever, so are you like a thing? Girlfriends?"

"Weren't you listening? I barely know her"

"So get to know her duh? Ask her out, drop a little friendly text" I sigh and rest my back against the wall.

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