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Hours ago

"Ms. Williams, there's someone on the phone for you, they're...demanding you for an appointment tonight."

Immediately, my thoughts went over my past clients, selecting and guessing who among them would go through such lengths as to disturb the balanced flow of our work.

I personally looked over everyone's schedules and booking before handing it to my workers, ensuring their and our client's safety.

*sigh* "Alright, send them to me" I wait for the phone on my desk to beep before clasping the phone handle and bringing it up to my ear.

"Hello, this is Amber Williams, what seems to be the problem?"

"Hey, are you that hottie that I saw at Cat's house the other day?" my eyebrows furrows in confusion, mind seeming to recall a certain blonde with an obnoxious friend a few nights ago.

"Um I guess." I say unsure about the situation.

"Great! I'd like to book you for her tonight please." she replies, ecstatic. I think I actually heard her clap her hands enthusiastically.

"Oh sorry miss, it's my day off and-"

"No, it must be you!" i try not to sigh too loud but she's getting a bit annoying.

"Look, you can book another person today" I grabbed a file for this week's schedule, looking over who's got some spare time.

"Here, you can book Gabriella tonight. I'm sure you-"

"It's not me, it's for Cat" I covered the mic and let out an annoyed groan.

"Miss, you're aware that your friend might retaliate since once again, she isn't aware that someone is booking her a night with a stranger?" I tried, speaking in a calm manner.

"But you aren't, you've met before."

Good god, give me strength.

"Look, the only person available for tonight is Gabriella and she's-"

"Then give her to me."


"Excuse me?" she laughs, I don't find this amusing at all.

"Book her for me tonight" unsure of what's happening, but I write it down nonetheless.

"Then you can be with Cat, since there's no one else but you." she continued and I can imagine this woman grinning from ear to ear.

"Or I could decline." silence....until

"She has a fear of thunder...well that and lighting." now I'm left in silence.

"Well if you're so concerned, why don't you go and check on her."

"I'm all booked" I let out a laugh.

"I commend your tenacity, miss. But no, I don't get much days off and I'd like to relax for once." she huffs.

"I'll double the usual payment!"

She doesn't know when to quit.

"Look if you really want me to babysit your friend then maybe tomorrow, I really want to enjoy my night."

"Wait that's better!" I pause, how's that better? Seemingly reading my mind, she answers.

"I'll triple it, stay with her tonight and tomorrow night."

Do words not register in this girl's mind?

"Miss, it's still a no." she groans.

"Come on please? My wallet's hurting so much, and I really wanna make her happy. Didn't you notice how she gets flustered with you around?" I honestly haven't, the only time that I did was when I said some explicit things to her. She looked quiet adorable caught off guard, the way her whole body when stiff was also amusing.

"One problem, she doesn't know about this ordeal and that's a violation of the contract." she scoffs.

"Oh don't worry, I'll ring her up when this call ends."

"Fine" I hear her cheer on the other end. After that, we talked about the rules, went over the contract, wrote her credentials and signed the papers with just, and I quote "just write my family name in cursive" honestly, that's too easy to forge.

"Thank you so much, I'll transfer the payment in a moment. I have to go now, byee!" I let out an exhausted sigh once it ended, leaning back on my chair as I close my eyes.

What a pain.

Snapping my eyes open, I remembered to call Gabriella as well to inform her of her surprise client.

"Gab, you've got a client tonight" I immediately say once she picked up.

"Well hello to you too, Berry."

"Hi, you're booked for tonight, don't bail." I said in a monotone voice then heard her gasp.

"Wait! Does this mean I'm back!? Yes you won't-" she starts.

"No, only for tonight. There's a persistent customer who insists on booking me." she hums.

"But aren't you supposed to be off later?" I sigh again, thoughts of peace swept away by a mere phone call.

"Yeah, but this woman won't lay off." she laughs, frustration evident in my voice.

"So it's a woman huh? Well then, what's her name?"

"Estasia Carter." she hums, and I know her player ways are resurfacing.

"Gab, I swear if you do anything indecent to this woman, I'll prolong your sentence." she scoffs.

"I won't...unless she wants me to." she adds.

Oh well, more opportunity to give her hell.

"Gabriella behave" I sternly say, warning her. 

"Fine fine geez" Although I said that, I knew this girl wouldn't do anything that would tarnish our reputation. After we hung up, I worked on some files then packed up once I saw the sun set.

Might as well relax now before going over there.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Another power outage, another chapter. Ya'll lucky I like you, I'm currently struggling for data right now.

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