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"Mm..." warm, soft, intoxicating "so good." warm fingers grasp my chin, tearing my eyes away from it.

"Is it?" smiling, I place my hand on hers, slowly sitting up and crawl my way towards her.

"See for yourself" our lips meet, molding and craving each other. Her arm snakes its way around my waist, pulling me closer, and soon her tongue follows, teasing their way into my mouth.

A low hum buzzes between us, my face heating up once she flicks my tongue. Shyly lifting it a bit to entangle it with hers, I was gently pulled up till I was straddling her once again.

"I'm not finished yet." her lips curled a bit, opening her mouth as her kisses deepened.

"I didn't say you were" her hand traces up my sides, effectively lifting my shirt in the process. "I'm just simply having a taste." then down it went, expertly slipping between my underwear and immediately covers my core.

"Mmph" her lips pull away just a bit, letting me breathe. While her finger traces between my slit, my cheeks inflame as I'm sure I was completely soaked down there.

"Tell me, darling" the pad of her finger presses against the entrance "what caused this?" my body slumps forward, too weak against her touch.

I hear a 'tsk' as her hand starts rubbing it's palm in circles against me, making me close my thighs slightly. A sudden slap between my legs made me moan aloud, while my breathing labors.

"I asked a question, and yet" her finger repeatedly taps against my dripping entrance, the noise it made only making me excited. "I received no answer." her palm moves again, this time pressing a bit harder as it brushes my clit.

A sudden pain could be felt on my chest, I quickly looked down and see her pinching my stiff nipples through the shirt.


"Ngh!" her fingers rolls my nubs "y-you." the pressure on my chest eases as her hand leaves, though it's soon replaced by a rough tug on my hair, my chin tilts up to look into her eyes.

"Having my tongue between your legs, gave me a drop of ecstasy" seeing a shift in her gaze, I continued

"and now that I've had a taste" moving my hips till I feel her finger align with my entrance "I can't seem to get enough." slowly letting myself sink, silently moaning as I take her finger in.

"God Caterina" she chuckles, dark eyes grazing over my vulnerable state. My walls contract as I adjust, and slowly start moving my hips, a smug smile graces her face, staring at the place where I'm shamelessly devouring her slender fingers.

"Mm that's it baby" she leans close, her breath fanning over my skin. "Show me how much of a good girl you are." a warm tongue laps over my collarbone, making my grip tighter.

"You like being called that?" she teases, nibbling on a patch of skin and I answer by picking up the pace, whimpering every time she effortlessly finds my spot.

"Move those hips, darling" her voice deep and lustful, however muffled, busying themselves by bruising my skin. I didn't mind, the slight pain was edging me on. And so I obeyed, grinding my hips, thrusting inwards which helped me take her deeper.

Suddenly her hand grips my inner thigh, lifting it, resulting for her finger to slip out.

"N-no, what's wrong?" she laughs and pushes my shoulders a bit, making me lean back. "Have I done something wrong?"

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