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"Dad, I'm home!" walking immediately to the kitchen, I saw a note on the fridge door saying that he'll have a 12 hour shift later, making me sigh.

"Oh good, you're home." I turn to see my father, definitely just woke up.

"I thought you'd be home late, so I put that up."

"Another long shift? Don't you think you're overworking yourself?" grabbing a bottle of water, taking a few sips while I see him sit on the isle chair on the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, can't be helped. A co-worker of mine got sick and notified us last minute." sighing, I walked to him and gave him a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"Just don't forget take care of yourself, okay?" he chuckles and smiled, patting my arm.

"Don't worry, I won't I'm superdad! Remember?" i scoffed and let go of him.

"I was like...four when I called you that." he continues to smile and looked at me with soft eyes.

"What?" I leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Nothing, grew up too quick" I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile.

"My dad, being emotional...disgusting" he laughs and scratched his head.

"So, did you eat anything? You look like you just woke up?" he shakes his head no.

"I was about to cook, do you want some?" I opened the fridge and placed my water back in, while looking over at the ingredients.

"What are you going to cook?" he stood up and I let him takeover.

"What do you think about pasta for lunch?" I beamed and nod my head.

I love pasta.

"I think I could eat pasta forever" I joked "could you make a lot, enough for dinner? You know I can't cook for my life." he laughs amd circles kitchen, grabbing pots and ingredients.

"Well you could learn, pasta is easy to make" I scrunched my face.

"Remember last time?" he paused and thought about it, shaking his head.

"Yeah nevermind, you burnt the noodles and the sauce"

"Exactly, I'll go freshen up" I headed upstairs and in the shower, pulling off my damp clothes, emptying my pockets for anything and pulled off the handkerchief, tossing them in the laundry. Turning on the shower, checking the temperature before getting in, sighing as the warmth engulfs me. I wanted to have a bath but I remembered that food awaits so I quickly washed my face then changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Fooooddd" he laughs as he hears me speedily going down the stairs, my hands immediately reaching up the cupboard for two plates and utensils. Setting up the table and sits down, eagerly waiting.

"here you are, madam~" he says in a posh British accent, earning a laugh from me.

(A/n:damn, I'm hungry)

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(A/n:damn, I'm hungry)

"presentation? I give it a four out of five" he laughs as he cuts and serves me a piece, placing it on my plate

"now, let's see if tastes good as it looks" i take my fork, scooping a good amount, making sure to get as much cheese as I can and carefully place it in my mouth.

"so?" he asks, eyes looking curiously. I put down my fork and lean back, staring at him while I finish chewing. Pausing for a moment before slowly clapping my hands, standing up as well.

"Outstanding, simply marvelous" i say in a British accent, hearing a loud laugh from my father as I sit back down, now eating normally.

"You gave me a fright there" I cheekily smile as I enjoy and finish the rest of my meal. Soon bidding him goodbye in the driveway as he heads to work.

"now what?" I ask myself, walking back inside the house. I mean I could binge F. R. I. E. N. D. S. again but I'm not up to it right now.

"Well, guess I'll do a bit of laundry." I headed upstairs to retrieve my dirty clothes then headed to laundry room, looking over each piece before putting it in the washing machine. Coming across an unfamiliar handkerchief, jogging my brain as to why I have it.

"Oh right, that weirdo when it rained..oh well" I threw that in the machine as well setting it up, watching as it slowly spins before getting bored again. Heading back inside my room, looking up at my mini bookshelf.

"Huh, I've forgotten why I got this." my eyes landing on a dark book, reaching up and looks at the synopsis on the back, deeming it interesting enough and lays down on my bed, as my eyes indulge on such an intricate book.

I hear the machine a noise snapping me out of the trance. Looking up from my book and deciding to fold them later, not knowing how many hours passed by till a loud, earth-shattering thunder makes me jump out of bed.

"G-geez, calm down. Calm down" I clutched my hoodie, feeling my heart beating in a fast pace. Breathing in and out slowly, trying to steady it again before another thunder can be heard, as I clench my eyes shut. Walking briskly towards my bathroom closing it hastily, the sound drowning out slightly before sinking down behind it, knees pulled to my chest, arms wrapped around them.

"You're okay, you're okay" I hear my phone ring on the other side, getting up to retrieve it, immediately answering and putting beside my ear.

"H-hello?" I hear the worried voice of my father, asking me if I'm alright.

"I'm fine dad, nothing to worry about" a loud bang can be heard outside making me yelp, covering it up with a cough.

"No you're not, I'm calling someone over there." he says sternly "but dad, I-"

"Don't argue with me" he hung up abruptly after that. Immediately, as if on cue, I saw a flicker of light on my window, my stomach drops at the even louder sound. Getting under the covers, blindingly searching for my headphones groaning when I grasp nothing but sheets, deciding it's futile and settles on closing my eyes, covering my head with a pillow, unknowingly soon succumbing to sleep.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Been awhile huh? Oop-

Also, I'm paying half attention to what I'm writing so forgive me if there are mistakes.

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