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*knock knock knock*

"Who disturbs my slumber?" groggily opening my eyes upon hearing a series of knocking, no, banging outside our front door. (A/n: if you get that reference, I luh you)

"Alright, alright! Calm your tits" i let out an annoyed groan before sitting up, blinking the sleepiness away for a bit until the loud noises came back again, making me frustratingly get up. I almost didn't wanna get up and just wait for them to go away but then I thought about what if it was someone being chased by a murderer and needed help...or someone pretending to be needing help but is actually a murderer.

Oh dear God, help.

That thought washed all the drowsiness away as I slowly crept near the front door. I could almost hear the suspense music in every horror movie when my hand touched the door knob, twisting it slowly and letting the door crack open a bit, hearing it creak.

"Who's there?"

"It's me." I could feel my eyes widen at the possible owner of that voice, but I had to make sure.

"Me who?" I hear them let out a deep sigh before a hand shot up, grabbing the edge of the door, pulling it to open wider as I let out a surprised yelp.

"Ms. Kingsley could you please let me in, I'm drenched." as I stare into her electric blue eyes, there I stood frozen. Thoughts swarmed my mind looking for reasons as to why she's suddenly here.

"Caterina" my consciousness finally made me snap back into reality. That's the first time she's called me by my first name, it felt...different.

"Are you just gonna stand there or what?" she said with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"S-sorry, of course, come in." I opened the door all the way and stepped aside, letting her pass. She immediately did so and stood still on the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry but could I ask for you to lend me clothes. As you can see, mine are inadequate."

Don't say that, why would you say that!

As if on command, my eyes did roam around her figure. From her dirty heels, darkened jeans to her soaked shirt and blazer. Did it have to be a white shirt!? I could see her bra. To her damp hair that's been loosened, a few strands falling on her neck, trickling a few droplets of water on to her skin.

Have some self control, you horny bitch!

I cleared my throat and awkwardly closed the door, not daring to meet eyes with her after a that.

"I might have some spare clothes that'll fit you, follow me." I then walked towards the stairs.

"I don't wanna mess up your halls even more." I looked back and noticed the water pooling on where she stood.

"It's just water, I'll clean that up while you take a shower." only then did I noticed my words.

"I-i mean you could get sick so I figured it'd be better if you just took a warm shower." I composed myself and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Then you could tell me why you're here."

She doesn't respond and just simply nods and follows me to my room. I told her to just stand by the door of my bathroom while I go find some clothes that fit her.

She's taller than me so maybe my loose shirts and pants could fit her.

After that, I gave her those and hears the water running, thinking she's already in. I grab her clothes and headed to the laundry room, taking each clothes separately before putting them in the machine.

"Oh my god!" I saw her underwear in the middle of her pants, I could feel my face, my whole body warm up.

You stupid bitch, of course there'd be underwear among those, she's soaked from the damn rain.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the pair of pants, bunching it together and throwing it immediately inside then turning on the machine.

"What's wrong with you, it's not like you haven't seen a thong before. Most women wear one..." my mind drifted to an image of her in her lingerie.

Wait no! No impure thoughts! You barely know the woman.

I shook my head then just grabbed a bucket and a mop (A/n: that's some wet ass pussy), cleaning up the trail of water around the house. After some time, she emerges from the shower and finds me sitting on the couch, eyes immediately drawn to her.

"Thank you, I needed that" she says to me as she sits on the other end of the sofa. She looks at the screen and sees me in the middle of picking a movie.

"Tell it to the Bees" she says.

"What?" I was confused, tell what?

"It's a great movie, just suggesting since you look like you don't know what you want." she shrugs as she dries her hair, raking her fingers through the strands.

Well, I really didn't know what I wanted to watch so let's just go with that. I pressed play and waited for it to load.

" So why are you here?" my dad did say he was going to call someone before he hung up. "Did my father hire you again?" just then, the phone went off but I just ignored it while my eyes curiously stare at her for an answer.


"Hey bestie, I forgot to tell you real quick that your dad called me to come over tonight but something's...come up. Anyway, I called that hottie to fill in for me while I'm gone. Bye~!" Estasia's voice could be heard as the voicemail played, my head whipping towards the phone quick.

What in the actual fuck, E!?

"Guess there's your answer." I hear her say while I stare off into nothing, plotting various ways on how to make Ms. Carter's life miserable for a good one to five years.


"And don't worry, I already paid for it in advance so enjoy your two-day roomie! Use protection! Oh need, have at it! Love ya!" as if she couldn't embarrass me enough, she's making her stay here for two days!?


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I'd like to thank the power outage for making me bored and pushing me to write a chapter lol

See you next month....or will you? ;)

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