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After quickly sprinting out of the Kingsley's household and hailing a cab. I immediately went inside the building, nodding at the people who'd greet me and waited for the lift.

"She better show up or I'll personally end her life." hearing a ding as the elevator doors open, I immediately pressing the level where my office is. Arms crossed one another as I wait with a slight bit of irritation.

Upon arriving, I went over to my assistant's desk and asked her to forward any emails or calls that needed to be done, then immediately went to my office where I found a smirking rat, legs perched on my desk.

"You better take your limbs off the damn table before I cut them." she raises her hands in a mocked surrender and puts them down, then stands up to walk to the guest seats.

"Jeez, what's up your ass?"

"Your bullshit, now sit." she mumbles an okay, and sits down...before starting again and raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"You're late." my head snaps back to her as I sat down on my chair.

"I'm aware." she grins and clasps her hands together, elbows sitting on her knees as she leans forward from her seat.

"You're never late finally got some?" I rolled my eyes and began to look over some documents, finding hers and placing it in front of her.

"Shut up and look over this." she scoffs but takes the papers anyway.

"Guess that's a no." I observed her features as she progressively gets nervous while reading, and looks to me with a sheepish smile.

"Um oops?" I released a deep sigh as I lean back on my chair, rubbing my temple at the pain this girl is causing me.

"Is that all you have to say?" she scratches her head and smiles at me.

"Gabriella you're fired." her eyes widen as she scrambles on her feet, quickly going over to me but I swiftly raise my hand to stop her from coming any closer.

"Whatever you have to say, say it." as my hand goes down she immediately grasps my shoulders and shook me, only adding to my irritation.

"Berry please don't fire me, this is probably the easiest job there is! Well aside from potential predators and threats and jokes they make about us but-"


"then there's that dude who-" my irritation rose at the mention, and gripped her hands.


"and there's that infuriating woman." I squeezed her hands hard and she immediately let up, now yapping about the pain instead.

"Gabby shut up!" she pouts but zips her mouth while cradling her bruising hands, making me sigh and get up, retrieving some ice pack and tossing it to her, making her wince again as she caught it.

I held my laughter in. Idiot

"If you'd let me finish, I would've said that you're fired from being a buddy." she looked at me confused.

"Then...what am I going to do?" she asks carefully, this time, putting a sly grin on my face.

"You'll be on desk work." she furrows her eyebrows, while staring at me, to which I roll my eyes at.

"You'll basically be doing paperwork, documenting, revising..."


"Making sure that everything is organized and polished by the time they get to me...."

"I-" leaning against the wall, my grin widening.

"You'll be reading every. single. word. on those documents and if I find a single mistake..." I push myself off and walk over in front of her, staring down at her sadistically.

"You're on toilet duty for five years." her eyes widen as she shot up from her seat.

"Five years!?"

"Did I stutter?" I smirked and leaned down and mockingly stroked her cheek with my thumb "don't disobey me next time." I tapped her cheek and turned to walk back to my desk, sitting down to put on my glasses and get to work.

"Just sign and leave." not sparing her a glance, I begin to look over my employees reviews, the company's complaints which are only a handful which is good.

"Fine" she groans out, placing the now signed documents on my table. "How long do I have to do this for?"

"Two years."

"TWO YEARS!?" I winced at the unnecessary screeching, and glared at her.

I hate it when people scream.

"Shut your trap and go to Ms. Caddel, she'll brief you on what to do and where your work station is." she grumbles under her breath.

"Can you just make it a year?" she lays her arms on the table and begs with her puppy eyes.

"One, stop that it's not cute, two, get off and three, you already signed it idiot, why do I have to go the trouble? Now for the last time, Gabriella, go."

"Damn Berry, that hurt." she fakes a heartache before going over to the door, stumbling a bit.

"Hey, didn't see you there." I hear Gabby say, and another voice. Upon hearing the door close and footsteps echo, I look up to a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at me.

"Ms. Kingsley" I set aside Gabriella's files, don't want to lose those, and fixed my glasses.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

~* ~* ~* ~

I'm bored, wby?

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