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As soon as we got home, I went straight to my bedroom tidying up the place. Wouldn't want anyone see my laundry and my...delicates.

I don't know if it's my nerves taking over or...the thrill that I'm feeling? It's probably just the adrenaline but I digress. I hear a knock on the door and I see my father, leaning on it.

"Now you're definitely eager." he laughs seeing my room's condition. Some furniture was disarranged, my bed looked like it was slept on by a wild animal and just clothes, everywhere.

"What? I don't want them to know that my room looks like literal shit." I continue cleaning up and arranging while he observes.


"So you prefer women, huh?" I slow down with what I was doing, being uncomfortable with the question.

"Uh yeah, well both actually but" I sat down on my still messy bed "feel like women are a better option." he nods.

"They definitely are." I scrunch up my face in disgust.

"Okaaayyy Imma just" I turn around and began making my bed and he eventually went out to do something.

Finally done with cleaning my room, I decided to grab a book and read to kill some time. Time passed by quickly that I looked up and it was already dark out.

"Huh, where's the old man?" I closed my book and went to the living room, only to find no one there. I grabbed my phone and texted him where he was and when he'd be back.

While waiting for his reply, I decided to take a bath. I feel gross from all that cleaning ugh. Done with the shower, I dried myself up and wrapped the towel around my body and checked my phone, finding two messages, one from ny my dad and one from an unknown number. I checked out the unknown one first and I was confused as it read

"Good day Ms. Kingsley, this is the head of HC Corp. We are just notifying you that there has been a change of plan on your buddy assignment. Do not be alarmed as we always select our employees carefully. Thank you and good day."

"The fuck they mean change of plans?" I grabbed a separate towel to dry my hair and checked my dad's message. As I scroll through I hear the door bell ring, thinking it was just my father I went to open the door, but not before putting my robe on.

I tossed my phone on my bed, not bothering to read what he sent and opened the door.

"Dad, did you bring din- what are you doing here?"

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Just a filler chapter lol

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