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"Let's head to bed"

Receiving no reply, only made me notice what I said. Okay, I could've worded that better but whatever.

"E-excuse me?" her eyes widen as she starts to fiddle with the hem of her shirt, nervously.

"To sleep." she looks down and lets go of her shirt, turning then walking towards the living room.

"Well I'm not tired so, you can head up there first." I quickly followed suit to see her sitting down about to play another episode.

"No, I came here to do my job." she snaps her head in my direction with a pissed expression. How amusing.

"It's only a few minutes past eleven, who sleeps that early?" I rolled my eyes. This child clearly has a good life, blessed with abundant rest.

"Fine, watch a few more episodes then bed by twelve." she opens her mouth to object but I cut her off "No" she sighs, shaking her head and starts watching.

Few minutes go by as the wretched show goes on, and it was finally twelve. She was about to play another but I quickly snatched the remote, pausing it then turning it off.

"Okay, let's go." I said, wanting nothing but the bliss of slumber.

"What the hell is your problem?" she reaches to grab the remote only for me to retract my hand, setting it down beside me away from her reach as she face planted on the couch in front of me.

"A lot but like I said, bed by twelve so come on." she groans and looks up at me, her doe-like eyes show frustration and annoyance.

"No, I'm staying here, I'm not tired and want to finish my show." she moves to take the device again and I quickly throw it to the other side of the couch.

"No, let's go." she huffs and pushes her tussled hair back. I look at her eyeing me for awhile, her gaze shifting to side before quickly going back to mine.

This idiot could not be more obvious.

She sprints to the side but I quickly caught her by the waist while she struggles, yelling things that fall deaf to my ears.

"Let me go, you bitch!"

All these childishness was causing me a headache and I want that sleep badly. So I lift her up, hooking my arms on her thighs as I walk up the stairs.

"What the- put me down!" she starts hitting my back, making me groan and grit my teeth. I could feel my nails digging in her thighs, only making her thrash and yell more, I was beyond pissed right now.

"If you won't stop now, I won't hesitate to put you over my knee, princess." she immediately stopped, her arms stilled around my neck and I could feel her heart beat quicken.

Reaching the second floor, I see two hallways each with three doors.

"Which one?" she mumbles a quiet right, and I walked that way, seeing a cream colored door with a beautifully painted letter C on the center, opening it then setting her down on her bed,  her avoiding any eye contact with me.

"Do you wanna do your business before we sleep?" she shakes her head, looking down and fiddling with her hands. Sighing, I lifted the covers and laid her down on her pillow then laid beside her, with her back facing me.

"Did I go too far?" I made sure to keep a distance as to not scare her further. She simply hugged her pillow, burying her face in it.

"I apologize for the things I've said." she made no movement, so I decided to get up and just sleep on the couch. As I sat up, a quiet voice asked

"Where are you going?" I looked back and finally saw her face again, though her eyes looked anywhere but mine.

"I clearly offended and scared you so I'll just go sleep on the couch, and I apologize. I understand if you'd file a complaint or anything, good night." she continued to just stare off somewhere so I got up, let her settle back in her bed then tucked her back in, then headed out the room.

The couch isn't so bad.

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I was supposed to upload last month but wasn't happy with it sooo enjoy this short chapter lol

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