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After the rambunctious duo left, I got up to fetch some much needed coffee. I went towards my mini fridge and grabbed my chilled coffee blend, as I always stock many of them. I took a sip as I ran over the latest contract, the one I've just been to and sighed.

"Damn Gabriela and her escapades." and as if I has summoned the devil, she appears barging in my office, while I glared at her.

"Waddup Berry~" I scoffed and put down the paper.

"Don't call me that." to which she just saluted to. "Anyway, I'm making you work extra two shifts, seeing as you've bailed on your most recent one."

"Awww can I just have one extra shift, please?"

This girl has some nerve.

She's been too comfortable in this business, I might fire her for real. Gabriela and me are childhood friends. How did we meet? We're this girl has been a pain in the ass for twenty-five years.

"Two, that's final." I said with a firm tone, leaving her to pout. "You'll have your regular shift tonight, and the add ons are on Friday and Saturday." she nods, drawing circles on the table.

Fucking childish

"Am I clear, Gabriela?" I asked, as I give her schedule. She nods still pouting as she reached for the paper, but I pulled it back making her look at me.

"Yes, now give it to me." I rolled my eyes.

"Your eyes will get stuck there if you keep doing that."

"Yeah yeah." she saunters to one the chairs and put her feet up the desk.

"Berry, you need to get laid I swear."

"Definitely not, I'm fine." I went over my desk and sat down as I see her smirk.

"Taking care of it yourself?" she wiggles her eyebrows, while I stare at her.

"Yeah." she backs away and made an "oop" face.

"You need some luvin in yo muffin, girl. I'm telling you, it'll loosen you up." she continues as I type away the data on this week's customers.

"I'm serious, want me to hook you up?" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow then back to the screen.

"Mhmm you shy, I see you. Alright, this is what we're going to do." I'm still typing away as she explains how her system of hooking up goes.

"Alright, this one?" she sits on my desk and shoves her phone in my face and I see a picture of my "selection". I push her off the desk.

"Gab, I swear I'll fire you for harassment." she feigns hurt and tears.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend, nay your BEST friend and you're turning me away? I'm hurt, nah I'm WOUNDED" she's very dramatic, I'll say.

"Come Amber, what about this girl! She's woo her tongue? Mhmm strongest muscle indeed, lemme tell you when she was eating me ou-" she cuts off as we hear the door open, and in comes the blonde with her face in midshock.

Gabriela clears her throat and straightens out, as her father came in next.

"That's all for today Gabriela, good day." she nods, walking away but as she's by the door, I see her point at the girl and made hip thrusting movements, while I just rub my head.

Only been here for ten minutes and already gave me a migraine.

"Before we get into things, can I ask" I turned to the blonde as she recovers from what she clearly just heard.

"Don't you knock?" her mouth was ajar as no words seem to come out, thankfully, her father intervenes.

"So sorry, Ms. Williams. Apologies." he mumbles as his daughter nods along, to which I just hummed.

"And what about you?" still eyeing her, as her face flushes, from what? I don't know.

"I- uh so-sorry."

Hmm, it'll do.

"Alright then, please have a seat." we all sat down, this time I leaned back as I ask the duo "Change of mind?"

"Yeah, she agreed to the idea and-"

"But only for one night" she cuts her father off.

"Are you sure this time?" I eyed her down, and I see her fists clench again.

"Yes." she managed to speak out. I grabbed a contract and altered some details.

"Do you prefer men or women?"

"Wha-what!?" she stammers, sitting up.

"Do you prefer male or female?" her mind seems to have stopped working so added "to accompany you?" her face flushes, as it clicked.

"Um women." she said in a small voice and avoiding eye contact.

"And when do you want to do this?"

"Tonight." she immediately answered, I finished with all the altercations and slid the paper in front of her with a pen.

"Please write your name and address, along with your contact number. Don't worry everything is on full disclosure and, sign here." she timidly signs the papers and retracts her hand.

"Alright, I'll send someone over tonight. Have a good day." they said their thanks, and once again, I was left alone in my office.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Yes, I'm alive and so is this story

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