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*yawn* I sat up in another stranger's bed, I looked down and found their arms wrap around my waist, one leg perched on my lower half. I scrunch my face, staring at their hairy legs, don't get me wrong I hold nothing against hairy legs, it's just that I prefer women's legs over this man's.

I pried his arms gently, it was hard at first as they won't let loose and clamped around me tightly.

That's what she said.

Finally getting them off me, I lifted amd pushed his leg off then maneuverd over to the nightstand where I left my things. I went to the bathroom and did my business, I washed my face and found some mouthwash. When I was done, I went back to the bedroom and found my customer to be up, I sort of maybe forgot his name.

Was it Caleb? Christian? Christopher? Something with a C hmmm

"Hey, you're up uh" he ruffles his messy bed hair and grabbed his glasses by the nightstand.

"Cuthbert" he reminds, looking up at me.

"Right right" I looked around the room then grabbed my things. Once I got everything, I turned to him. This part is never fails to be awkward, usually they would make excuses for me to stay longer or some shit.

"Um wanna have breakfast?" he stands up and fidgets with his fingers.

And there it is *sigh*

"Nah, I'm good. I just need my fee and I'll be off your hair." at the mention, he consciously tried to fix his hair.

"Oh um, you sure? I could pay extra?" I shake my head, another one of them huh.

"No, we've discussed this before and you've been briefed on how these things would go down." I could see his shoulders slumped forward, but it's policy and I intend to follow through it.

"A-alright" he looks down and went to one of his drawers, taking out his wallet. His hands pushes forward, money on hand and I reach for it but his hand retracts back.

"You s-sure?" I looked him in the eye coldly and saw him shiver.

"Yes, now will you please give the payment or do I need to contact authorities?" my face stoic of emotion. Now, some of you might be wondering, damn how can she be a cuddly person with this attitude?

Oh, I can be cuddly, sweet, patient and understanding but pushing something to its limit is very dangerous. And I admit, this trait of mine is one that I'm not proud of.

Outside of this job, I'm not known to be a patient person, and this boy wasting my time isn't doing anyone good. I get that most of our customers seek for more, but they should've thought of that better before they signed up for this shit.

He finally hands me my payment which I gladly took and securely but it in my bag, I looked at him again and offered a small smile.

"It's my pleasure to be of service, if you liked your experience and find yourself wanting to have another appointment, contact our office for another booking."

"Yeah, thanks." he timidly replied and I turnes around walking to the door out though I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

*sigh* Another job done, Amber.

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