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Her eyes trail over my body once more, looking over my flushed features as she assesses what she could do with it. Mulling over which patch of skin to touch next, to bite, to mark, actions that could potentially be my oblivion.

And I'd let her.

"Let's try something else" she bites her lip, finally meeting my eyes. "is that alright with you?" our gaze unwavering, but not for long...I only nod, which might have irritated her. Her arm leaving my waist to trail her thumb on my lips.

"I expect a proper answer, princess." my body immediately responds, trembling beneath the sensual touch, which didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Yes" I breathlessly say, my tongue licking over my drying lips, an idea clicked in my head and I was unsure what the consequence of it, but at this point fuck it, I wanted more. Taking a deep breath and releasing it against her skin, I could see a slight tug of her lips while her thumb traces my bottom lip. "Yes ma'am"

Her thumb stopped mid caress, I noticed her breathing was shallow. Then I hear a deep chuckle, one that sent shivers down my spine. I squirm in her hold, trying to satiate the growing ache between my thighs.

Then I was suddenly pulled forward, her hands gripping my hips as our bodies were fully flushed against each other. My face was probably red as a tomato, my core was directly on top of hers.

"Aren't you full of surprises today" unable to even formulate a reply, she wraps my legs completely around her. I gasp, feeling myself rub on her as she does that...and she notices, of course she does.

"Say that again for me, love?" her hands settle my upper thigh, dangerously close to my center.

"Yes ma'am...please" she groans and I swore her eyes had a dangerous glint to it. She licked her lips, drawing my eyes immediately to it. Her hands glided across my skin, slowly slipping between the valley of my breasts, her lips busy themselves on my earlobe, often licking the shell of it.

"Since my adorable kitten likes a little pain, let's see if you'd like this" her hot breath monetarily distracting me...then a shock ran through my chest. Feeling her roll my hardening nubs between her fingers, all the while her tongue continues it's assault on my earlobe, though I feel it going lower, reaching the based of my neck.

My body purrs against her touch, pushing itself further towards her warmth, towards her hands, craving for more. Just as I feel her pinch them hard, I felt her teeth dig in slightly on the flesh of my neck, and after, a hot tongue gliding over the marks undoubtedly left.

"Okay?" the timbre of her voice, sending shocks once again between my legs as I let out a moan. I feel her smile against my neck, humming as if satisfied by the reaction she got. My hands finally moved, resting on her shoulders as she moves away, one hand leaving my breasts, her warmth gone, to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. She smiled, breathtaking.

"You have no idea just how beautiful you look" she takes my hand, bringing the palm towards her lips, kissing its center. "especially like this" I whimper, biting my lip as I feel my heartbeat quicken.

"Please" I had no idea what I was begging for, but I know I want more of it, more of this, more of her.

She looks up at me, biting her lip as she lets go of my wrist, lifting my shirt up and returning its place around my breast. This time pinching my nubs together making me look up as I let out another moan, the slight pain slightly getting me addicted.

It wasn't until I felt a gust of hot air did I notice her face got closer, a hot tongue traces the outline of my nipple, ghosting it's presence around it. My fingers threads through her hair, tugging her face closer, guiding her to where I needed her. She refused, groaning at every tug yet never yielding, continuing her torture.

"Amber, I swear to God if you don't- mmph!" her teeth clamps around my already sensitive nipple, then lets go, before nibbling again and again.

"You were saying?" her tone playful, but I know there's something underlying between those words.

"Fucking stop t-teasing me" she chuckles, her hands slipping low and bunches up the front of my shirt, bringing it to my lips.

"Bite" the order bringing another moan out of me.

Her eyes awaits my next move, and so I leaned forward, biting the fabric slowly, seductively and making sure that I brush my lips against her knuckles. She licks her lips as she eyes them, her hands slowly caressing my burning skin, arms circling around my waist then to the middle of my spine, pushing my chest towards her awaiting lips. Mouth immediately enveloping a nipple, her moan riveting around it as her tongue laps and toys with it.

"You taste so good, baby" my head droops to her shoulder, my knuckles turning white as I held onto her.

Fuck, I almost came.

"So fucking good" she continues, moving her talented tongue to the other as her fingers tweaked and probed the previous one. Her other hand guides my hips, feeling her own buck upwards.

"Are you okay, princess? Should I stop?"

"No!" her body freezes momentarily at my outburst. "please don't, I'm so close" I say despite my ragged breath, throwing away my last bit of sense and start meeting her movements, our cores grinding, wanting and needing that sweet sweet release.

"Good, that's it baby, just like that." my head tilted upwards, as I hump her shamelessly. I feel a hard tug on my hair, making me look down and meet her darkened eyes.

"Eyes on me, princess." I whimper, and speed up my hips, her hand slaps my ass hard as I let out a loud moan, she grips the stinging flesh hard as she matches my pace.

"I-I'm..!!" another hard slap sends me over the edge as I moan out loud, jolting and twitching as waves of pleasure surges throughout my body, eyes fluttering slightly as my hips slowly came to a halt, resting my head once again on her shoulder.

My underwear undoubtedly soaked as she gently pats my bum, her hand previously clenching a handful of my hair now soothingly scratches my scalp.

"I should bring you food more often"

~* ~* ~* ~* ~

Was half asleep writing this, also you're welcome

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