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I woke up abruptly upon hearing thumps and faint screams. Quickly sitting up and adjusting my eyes around my surroundings.

Right, not my place.

My head whips to the side, where the scream can be heard. I was on high alert now, and decided to get up, going towards the sound.

It came from here?

My eyes widen at the thought of a burglar and a series of events that I hoped aren't coming true. I slowly twisted the knob, opening the door and peeking inside for any one, any movement but was greeted with nothing but stillness and darkness.

Then I heard it again, this time my eyes directed to the girl on the bed, eyes closed, body moving around unconsciously.

I approached the bed and placed my hand on her arm, shaking her awake gently.

"Wake up." the only reply I received was grunts and now that my eyes have fully adjusted to the darkness, I can see that she was panting and sweating. I sat down and tried shaking her shoulder.

She awakens with a gasp, frantically looking anywhere and tried swatting away my hand so I backed away, sitting in front of her.

"Are you okay?" she continues to pant, clutching her covers close to her chest, shaking her head as an answer.

"I'll be back" I went downstairs and grabbed a glass of water then went back, handing it to her. As she took the glass, I could see her hand shake as she take a few gulps before setting it on the desk beside her bed.

"Bad dream?" I asked observing her, she looks up at me but eventually looks away, her grip tightening.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I hum as she lays back down on her bed, physically seeing her shiver, though I doubt it's from the temperature. I opened her covers and laid down, facing her.

"What are you doing?" she asks eyeing my actions, to which I answered with

"My job" I looked at her and asked gently "can I touch you?" her mouth agapes and again, could've worded that better.

"What!?" I flinched, my ears ringing. I wrapped my arm on her waist and pulled her close, cradling her head on my chest.

I felt her tense up so I asked "Is this okay?" her hand fists my shirt before relaxing, her breathing calming down as she nods her head slowly.

"Good night."



The first thought that I had as I open my eyes as sun rays graced the room. I groan and hugged the warm pillow in my embrace.


I slowly leaned back to see tusssled locks on her face, that's so peaceful and serene. Her eyelids closed with long lashes, her button nose between her rosy cheeks and her pink lips that are lightly chapped.

I looked to the wall clock and cursed mentally as I see that I'm thirty minutes late for work.

But first, this obstacle.

I gently lifted her up and slid my body to the side then grabbed a pillow to which she quickly hugs. I headed to the guest room and grabbed my things, descending down the stairs and being greeted with her father.

"Oh that's right, last night was her appointment." I nodded and he offers me a cup of coffee.

How can I refuse.

"Yes it was." he nods and went to the fridge.

"She didn't hurt you did she? She can be...difficult." I sipped my coffe and scrunched my face.

"Too much sugar?"

"Yeah, I prefer my coffee black." I sat it down and pondered on his question.

Hurt me?

Then flashbacks of her hitting me came to mind.

"No, just a few arguments." he chuckles as he prepares to cook.

"That's...a relief, she has a bit of a temperament." I nod and looked at my phone. Forty minutes.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." he nods and cleaned his hands, wiping the water off.

"I'll see you off." I shook my head and got up, grabbing my bag.

"It's fine, you're busy. Just send the payment online. Have a good day." I immediately went through the door and hailed a cab.

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Look at me updating three times this month.

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