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I quickly hailed a cab as it was already raining, I was drenched as I waited for a few minutes. Finally getting one, I went in and tried to dry myself with my handkerchief.

"HC building please." I said to the driver, as the car moved I continued to dry myself. Semi satisfied, I stopped and stared outside. I watched as the effect of the rain caused a little blur on everything, making it appear a bewitching art piece.

Every scenery before me has an alluring pull that my eyes can't help but appreciate, so I pulled my phone out and decided to take some candid photos of busy strangers, buildings, the traffic and the gloomy sky.

As we've arrived, I prepared myself for another round of rain on me and handed the driver my payment. I quickly ran towards the entrance, this time being less drenched though I can't say the same for my shoes.

"Tsk this is gonna be a pain" as I inspected the dirt around it. I headed inside and went to the elevator, pressing 7th floor.

"Hold the door, please!" I rolled my eyes and didn't move an inch just waiting for the doors to fully close, however a hand prevents that from happening. In comes a person in an awfully drenched coat, I quickly side stepped them.

One can only get too wet.

"Hey! Yo-you didn't hold the elevator for me" I side-eyed them before replying.

"Hmm sorry, I guess I didn't hear you." they eyed me down, but I didn't give a damn darting my eyes forward.

"So uh, do you work here?" he asks, probably trying to avoid a painstakingly long wait as the elevator is still at the 3rd floor.

Tsk, they really should look into this piece of shit.

"Yes." he turns fully towards me, eyes wide.

"Really? Then would you mind helping get to the main office?" I turned my head to the side as I answered.

"Sure, please follow me." the doors then opened, and we headed to the furthest room greeting people with a simple nod as we walked the hallway leading to a clear double door. We headed in, as I put my bag on the couch in the corner.

"There's no one here? Is it not business hours right now?" the man furrows his eyebrows together as I sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this but" I sat on my chair "I'm Amber Williams, owner of this lovely establishment." I smiled.

"How can I help you?" his mouth formed an O shape, and came forward.

"Please, sit."

"Well, I came here to get an appointment. I uh, saw the ad pop up on my social media feed and I can't help but feel lucky." I cringed at that but held my facial expressions.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, do you have any preferred gender? We, of course, don't judge in any of our customers specifications." I grabbed a contract, ready to make arrangements as his eyes went wide yet again, as he became flustered.

His eyes are gonna pop out if he keeps doing that.

"Oh no no, i-it's not for me. It's for my daughter." I nodded, though I am surprised a father would do this for his daughter.

I mean, who books his daughter a night with a stranger? Unless they're into that shit.

"Alright then, does she have any preferences?" he nods.

"I think she'd prefer a woman over a man, to uh do this." he sputters, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You think?" he sighs, and dabbed his handkerchief on his forehead.

"She um, she doesn't know that I'm doing this."

"I'm sorry, if this is the case then we may have a problem. We only provide our services to willing customers and need their verbal and physical consent." I put down my pen, and clasp my hands together staring at him dead in the eye.

"W-well she might retaliate...harshly if I do ask her." I sighed.

"I'm sorry mister...."

"Kingsley." I nod.

"Mr. Kingsley, I'm sorry but I cannot allow any kind of transaction without consent from our receiving customer." I stood up, and gestured towards the door.

"Wa-wait! What if I can get her to come here?"

"Then, if she will allow it, we shall proceed." he nods alright then, just give me a few minutes." I nod as he heads out, phone on his ear. I took this time to head to my separate room, grabbing new clothes and freshened up a bit. (A/n: pic above)

By the time I was done, Mr. Kingsley was still not back so I went through a few papers. There were quite a lot today, I think it has something to do with the rain. As people say, it is cuddle season.

Utter bullshit

I hear a knock on my door, and told them to come in. In comes Mr. Kingsley accompanied by a girl with a scowl on her face.

"Ms. Williams, this is my daughter, Caterina Kingsley." I stood up and greeted them both, the brunette turns to me, eyeing me still with a scowl still on her face but that didn't faze me. I held out my hand in courtesy.

"Pleased to meet you, Caterina." her scowl falters as I saw her hand clenched into a fist, staring at my hand then to my eyes.

"Ditto" she responds, as her hands clasps mine. As I shook her hand, her other fists on her skirt creating a crease on it, no doubt.

Letting go, I really wanted her to relax, so as our hands parted I lightly traced my middle finger on the center of her palm, which earned a gasp from her.

I looked at them both, and gestured to the chairs in front of my desk. We all sat down, and began the arrangements, if there would be one.

"So..." I grabbed my pen and a contract then turned to the girl. "I'm sure your father explained what this arrangement is?"

"Yeah, and I decline." she crosses her arms defiantly, while I turn to look at her father, whose face fell.

"Well, there we have it Mr. Kingsley, matter dismissed, please see your way out." I opened my computer to go about the files that are needed to be done. The man, however, spoke again.

"Please Caterina, just try this at least once, I worry about you." he convinces the girl.

"I told you, I'm fine dad!" she slaps her arms on the chair, I rub the side of my head.

God, it's too early for this.

"If you need to further discuss this whole ordeal, then please do so elsewhere. I have lots of things to do and I would appreciate some peace and quiet right now." I eyed the pair coldly, that quickly shut them up. Mr. Kingsley mumbled a low apology, while the girl just kept her head down as they exit the room.

*sigh* Finally.

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