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"Berryyyy" a seemingly drunken Gabriella greets as she rudely opens my office door, smiling too widely that I'm actually intrigued if it'll split her face open.

"It's too early to be drunk, Gabby." her  body freezes, literally freezes. She stays there, posing. Her hand on the door handle, arm pushing it open while the other grabs the post steadying her, smile still evident that I'm starting to grow some concern for her mental health.

"Gab? Hello?" she doesn't move and I'm getting creeped out by her smile. So naturally, I grabbed my stapler and aimed it in the middle of her stomach, launching it with more force than intended.

"Ow! The fuck, that hurt" I sigh in relief. I'm not too late.

"Well if you stopped smiling like Jack the Ripper, I wouldn't have done that." she gasps and rubbed her palms on her cheeks.

"Don't do that, you know I scare easily." she rubs her arms as she shivers, making me grin.

"Precisely." she mockingly laughs while raising her middle finger.

"Keep raising that and I'll make you regret it." I threaten and I could practically see the wheels in her head turn.

"Make me" she challenges, although I can see her faltering immediately as those words left her mouth when her hand is trembling slightly.

I lean back on my chair, beaconing her with my finger but she shakes her head no.

"No no no I take it back." she immediately says after, putting her hand away and behind her.

"Good girl." she gasps, shocked at what I said and I laugh, loud.

"You looked like a fish out of water, gasping." she frowns at the comparison but soon joins me.

"Someone's in a good mood, eh. Something happened last night? Did you finally got some!? How was it?" she was asking one too many questions and my thoughts immediately went to a certain brunette's lips, then my mood dampens.

"No and stop insisting on that Gabriella. Anyway, what happened to you. You look like you're on drugs which, if you are, you're fired." she puts a hand on her chest, offended.

"Okay first of all, don't deflect the question, second, I would never and finally" she sighs dreamily, eyes gleaming "I think I found my match" I raise an eyebrow.

"Your what?" she groans and plops down on one of the chairs.

"My match, you know." she gestures her hands encouragingly at me, I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

"Anyway, this woman is just...something. She's so god damn charismatic, flirty, maybe a bit of a tease but who doesn't love that. She's so irresistibly charming that I can't help but be drawn to her." as her mouth keep running, I zone further out. 

"Well, I'm not entirely sure which is why I'm here. So can I?" I blink.

"What?" she scoffs.

"Were you even listening?" I shake my head no.

"I asked if I can be a buddy-"

"No" she raises a hand, stopping me.

"Only for Estasia Carter." I rub the pad of my finger under my lip.

"And why should I? Remember, you're still on probation and it just started." she clasps her hands together pleadingly.

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