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Burnt. Everything.

Well, except one.

"This is..." jabbing my fork on the seemingly well boiled egg "looks fine." Taking a decisive cut in the middle to inspect the wellness if it, only for it to explode in front of my face.

I turn to her slowly, her face in between shock and trying to suppress a laugh.

"Quick question" wiping egg residue off my cheek. "did you microwave this?"

She nods, now giggling as I roll my eyes, wiping the rest of it off.

"Well now I'm definitely awake." she grabs a few napkins and starts helping.

"I'm so sorry." she coos "I really did try and make a decent one for you" she looks over her shoulder "but I might have ruined all the pans we have." she turns and looks anywhere but my eyes. Taking her hand, I smile.

"It certainly looked like it." she sighs, going to throw the trash and now stands a bit away from me.

"Come here, kitten." she slowly walks over till she's in front of me.

"I'll just go order us something." she goes to leave but I gently held her hand.

"It's alright you know" I chuckle, rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand. "it's just..." she peeks from under her lashes "I didn't get to taste it."

Her eyes brighten a bit, staring at something above me. I furrow my brows as her hand reaches out and picks a tiny piece of it off my hair, making me laugh. I lower that hand and take the piece in my mouth, mulling over the taste.

"Hmm could use..." her eyes showed anticipation "lesser salt, babe."

I was practically chewing on a rock salt, but I couldn't say that.

"I really can't cook for shit."

"That's alright" kissing her hands "these hands might excell in other things." she blushes instantly.

"Now, did you save any more food for me to salvage?" she hits my arm, and grumbles a yes.

"So, once again" pulling her in so she stands between my legs and loosely wrap my arms around her "you sit this pretty" gliding them lower till they rest on each ass cheek "sexy" squeezing them slowly, groaning a bit at how they perfectly fill my palms "delicious ass down, while I cook for us."

"Okay" she meekly says as she sits down, pushing her legs together. "But what are you going to use? I've ruined all the frying pans" her voice lowers by the end.

"Don't worry, princess." kissing her forehead to ease her a bit. She smiles softly and nods, then watches me as I move around the kitchen. It doesn't take much really, setting a pot with water to boil while placing bread on a toaster, the rest done in a matter of minutes.

"Alright, here's yours" her eyes widen a bit at the plate, then looks at me

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"Alright, here's yours" her eyes widen a bit at the plate, then looks at me.

"This look good" she excitedly took a bite and hummed happily.

"You look like a chipmunk" she glares at me to no effect, while I placed my plate beside her. She looks curious till I sat down and wiped a dribble of yolk on the corner of her lips.

"How do you miss the trajectory of food to your mouth?" her face swiftly moves and bites my fingers playfully. I chuckle, hooking my thumb under her chin.

"Never bite the hand of the one who fed you." she gasps, instinctively letting go while I could see a little gleam in her eyes.

"I'll let it slide..." rubbing the pad of the finger she just bit on her lips "if you make it up to me." smirking at the shallow breaths she's taking.

She looked away so I simply moved so that our faces are in front of each other.

"What?" her hand lifts to cover part of her face, but not her eyes. No. I didn't miss the brief glance to my chest and it only made me wanna tease her even more.

"Can I have a kiss?" she whimpers and pushes her chair away.

"Nowhere to run baby" chuckling as I grab it before she got too far. "so can I?"

"No" she whispers, pushing my shoulders back "maybe later, the food is getting cold." taking her hand and tilt my head at her.

"But I can't wait." I push, she flushes at my tone and shakes her head no.

"Fine, I'll just..." pulling her chair swiftly forward, taking her face in my other hand, I push our lips together in a soft kiss.

"Mm- I said hm- later!" she says between our kisses, though I only smile once I felt her hand grip me closer. It was getting too uncomfortable for me so, hooking my arms under her thighs, I lift her up to the table and slip between her legs, never letting go of her lips.

Opening my eyes to see her heated face, eyes shut tight as her body pulls mine closer, her tongue growing bold and licks my lips. I gladly let her in, seeing what she'd do next.

Her lips widens a bit as she starts probing around, licking my teeth then my tongue. A hand slips through my hair and tugs, causing me to groan. Legs wrapping around my waist as her tongue entangles mine, pushing her gently down the table to lie on it.

"W-wait" backing away, placing each hand on the counter to corner her smaller frame.

"Something wrong?" placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I take a few breaths to calm myself down a bit.

She contemplates for a few seconds then places a hand on my shoulder, pushing me away and before I could question her, she swiftly flips us over. I guess the surprise was evident on my face, so much so that's she's giggling.

"Since you are too eager and won't let me eat.." her legs encases me between them as she leans forward "I suppose having you instead isn't so bad." her tone, her pearly white teeth that's currently biting her lip, those eyes that are looking down on me...fuck.

"Have me?" chuckling, I held her waist and draw her closer, eyes twinkling with lust.

"Mhmm" soft hands gently cup my face, followed by supple lips kissing their way to my ear "it's what I deserve after all." my hands lowering to greedily grip her ass tight, the moan I heard was absolutely orgasmic.

"Deserve?" clearing my throat "for what?" as teeth sink into my earlobe I hiss.

"Cooking" she simply says, I only gave her a look to which she rolled her eyes at.

"It may be a simple thing to you but" slender fingers looped themselves on my waistband "I really tried my hardest" her voice getting breathier with each word.

Feeling her pull it back, I held my breath as fluttering kisses are placed down my jaw. "Can I?" she lets go and lets it snap against my skin while I was left gasping.

"I-" her fingers now rubbing on my skin, while gaze never wavered.

"Please mommy?"


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Girl breakfast

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