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*poke poke*

What is that? *poke*

I hear a few muffled sounds, while the poking still continued. Then the world started to shake, a warm hand could be felt on my shoulder and as I start to regain consciousness, I hear her more clearly.

"Wake up already" followed by a huff, I decided to keep my eyes closed, seeing what she'll do.

"tsk, what a heavy sleeper." hearing the bed shift, she must've laid back but closer, her body's warmth was radiating and I wanted nothing more than to burrow myself in it. So I did.

Hearing her gasp, I intentionally groaned and sleepily throw my arm around her waist, pulling myself and her closer. I seem to be in front of her bosom and I mentally grinned. Seemingly still deep in sleep, I moved my head till my lips are perfectly in lined between her breasts.

"Fuck" she says softly, body quiet tense with how she's wrapped around me. Still, she tried.

"A-amber, it's already morning." followed by tapping my shoulder blade, my only answer being to nuzzle my face into her. "don't you have work to do?" this time I groan, still, I leave little bites along her chest.

"You smell good." she whimpers, weakly pushing my shoulders away.

"I probably wreak of sex." I hum and take her hand off.

"Precisely why you smell good." looking at her deviously, I held it against my lips and place a tender kiss on her wrist.

Biting her lip again, she knows what that does to me.

"You know what would make my morning better?" slowly lifting myself to straddle her waist, softly interlacing our hands together as I hold it beside her head.

"If I could have you for breakfast as well." looking down to meet her lustfull gaze.

"G-get off, we don't time for that, you'd be late." chuckling, I place my legs between her to spread them wide.

"Well lucky for us" seeing her all open and ready for me was definitely worth being late for. "I'm the proprietor and CEO."

Her cheeks probably held all the blood in her body with how red they were.

"That's true..." she mumbles quietly as she turns away "BUT that's exactly why you should go, I mean, you've got to set an example for your employees." this time her eyes held mine, determined.

"Hmm that's convincing enough" she smiles when I released her hands, and opens them up, almost asking for a hug.

But I had other plans.

"though your body says otherwise." my hand caresses her smooth legs, thighs, and finally what's in between.

"Are you always this wet, darling?"

Her hand shoots down to grab onto my moving hand that's rubbing her through her underwear. Pushing my body further, I start placing kisses beside her ear, then down her jaw. As I nibble my way lower to her neck, I could feel my entire palm soaked with her juices.

"Amber~" she whines, hips twisting as she tries to suppress her desires.

So, I tease.

As I slip my finger inside her underwear and immediately delve between her slit, paying extra attention to her cute little nub, flicking and even pinching it a bit roughly till she's putty in my hands.

"Hm?" hearing a sharp intake of breath, my mouth descends to her breasts and push the shirt collar back, tongue darting around her pink areolas. With her hips bucking against my hand, I finally take one breast in my mouth, tongue lapping and flicking till they're puffing and drenched with my spit.

"Oh how I love how responsive you are to me, darling."

"Stop, look at- fuck!" giving a tentative slip of a finger inside her, I let out an amused laugh.

"I made b-breakfast!" this got my attention, pulling away to tuck a stray hair behind her ear, I eye her skeptically.

"And the house is still intact?" she hits my arm while I snicker at the weak attempt.

"Yes, you asshole." she rolls her eyes.

I'll remember that.

"This I've got to see." withdrawing my hand, I get up and search for my shirt.

"It's um, here." looking back, I finally get a good look at her, seeing her with my shirt on was

"Naughty little thief" smirking, when she fiddles with the buttons.

"It's the first one I saw so..." she mumbles while buttoning the rest up.

"And what would I wear hm?" she places both hands behind her and leaned back, the look in her eyes screams mischief.

"Just that" she gestures to half naked form and I scoff, walking to the end of the bed to where she's sitting and pull her towards me by the leg.

Guessing that surprised her as she's laying on her back, wide eyed.

"If you're going to wear my shirt" hovering my body over hers as I settle between her legs once again, and start unbuttoning most of them off.

"Wear it like this" I undid all but one button, that's resting between her mounds "am I clear?"

"But I'm practically naked" smiling at how shy she is all of a sudden. Hands tracing her every curve till they settle on her hips, rubbing the dips teasingly as I place a single kiss on her stomach.

"And that's how I want you." she tries to put on an irritated face but it only makes her look adorable.

"Now, let's see what masterpiece you've made for us."

~* ~* ~* ~* ~

~* ~* ~* ~* ~

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