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Caterina's POV

I huff as my father had the audacity to go behind my back and actually ask some, some fucking stranger to come anywhere near me!

Has he finally lost what's left of his brain cells!?

I quickly changed and went off to where he's currently at. When I found him, I blew up not caring about a few people looking our way.

"What the fuck, dad!?" he sighs, side eyeing the door.

"Cat please, calm down." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"How the fuck am I going to calm down? What the fuck even is this situation?" I flung my arms up in frustration.

"I know you're having a hard time right now and trust me, this might help you." I grit my teeth.

"I'm fine, everything's fine, life is just peachy" he sighs, wiping his forehead and only then did I notice his state.

"What happened to you?" his clothes were all drenched, hair sort of unkempt.

"Ran in the rain for awhile" he laughs "I'm fine" and that made me back off a little.

"Just please, come with me. Hear me out on this." he then leads us to a room where we see a woman, busy with paperworks.

What could she possibly be busy about? It's a fucking cuddle company.

"Ms. Williams, this is my daughter, Caterina Kingsley." she stands up and I can't help but let my eyes loom over her figure.

Huh, she's pretty.

As my eyes crept up, they land on her beautiful cerulean eyes, so cold and unwavering. I snapped out of it when I heard her speak.

"Pleased to meet you, Caterina." I felt my other hand curl into a fist.

What the fuck?

I tried to control my breathing, trying to keep a straight face however that didn't last long as I felt her finger brush in the middle of my palm, I could feel a tingling sensation on my spine as I release a gasp.

Snap out of it, Caterina.

We all sat down, my eyes never leaving her, observing her demeanor. She looks like a pretty reserved person, each move she makes has purpose, her delicate hand grabs a piece of paper and pen.

"So, I'm sure your father explained what this arrangement is?" I quickly straightened up and crossed my arms.

"Yeah, and I decline." her face remains the same, cool and calm.

"Well there you have it, Mr. Kingsley, matter dismissed, please see your way out." I could see my father shift on my side, while the woman turns back to her work. My father begins to babble about giving this thing a shot but whatever, I've had enough.

"I told you, I'm fine dad!" I looked at him, highly annoyed.

"If you need to further discuss this whole ordeal, then please do so elsewhere. I have lots of things to do and I would appreciate some peace and quiet right now."

A cold voice interrupts us, and I can't help but put my head down at the authority in it. My dad quickly says sorry, and we made our way out of the office.

As we got out, I briskly walked towards the elevator and pressed down, waiting for it to arrive. My dad, however, was still spewing nonsense talking my damn ear off. Once we got in the elevator, I've had it.

"Dad,would you give it a rest?" I turned to him.

"No, I know you keep saying you're fine when I know for sure, that you are not!" I sighed and pursed my lips, looking up the ceiling, my arms wrapped around myself tight, my leg begins to tap a steady rhythm.

*sigh* "I know you put up a tough act in front of people, but I can see past that, after all I'm your father, Caterina." he sighs as we finally got out of the elevator and into my car when I drove here. I turned on the engine and sighed as I waited for it to warm up.

"I really am fine, dad." I started.

"No, don't you dare say that when you're not. Don't think for one second that I don't notice the changes in you, no matter how little they are." I brought my thumb to my lip, biting my nails.

"Like that" he points, and I quickly brought it down. "I've noticed you haven't sleeping that well, you've eaten less and these days you've always kept to yourself." I gripped the wheel, knowing all those were all facts.

"I just don't know what to do, I've done all I can, I've always been there for you, gave you attention, money and affection. But still you've shut me out, shut everyone out, even your friends are worried."

"I know, I just...need time." I tried calming myself as the emotions inside me builts up.

"Caterina" he says, as he gently held my hand "will you please give this a chance, what could go wrong?" I scoffed.

"A lot"

"How about a trial? One night, alright?" he really is persistent.

"Ugh, fine." and so up the elevator we go again.

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